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"Athena, Scorpius slow down please" Draco called across the beach as our energetic children raced each other on the sand.

I sat up on my lounger pulling my sunglasses on from the top of my head as our children ran back towards us.

My fiery beautiful girl Athena, she is my carbon copy in every way apart from her long curly white blonde hair. She loves fiercely and she's always protected her brother as much as he hates it the older they get. She never lets him forget she was born first with an 11 minute head start. She is the girliest of girls who regularly joins Pansy, Daphne and I on our girls evenings insisting on having her hair and makeup done and drinking her juice from her own champagne flute. She has Draco firmly wrapped around her little finger she can do absolutely no wrong in his eyes, and I adore the bond they have.

My sweet striking boy, Scorpius. Unlike his sister he is quiet and reserved, a carbon copy of Draco you will only be lucky enough to know the true Scorpius if he trusts you completely. With his floppy white blonde hair and striking blue/ grey eyes, he inherited his fathers trademark smirk. He rarely leaves my side, he is the biggest mummy's boy and I relish in the affection. He loves to fly with Draco, I love that they have that to bond over.

Blaise and Daphne along with their son Zeus bought a manor in the same neighbourhood as ours, Pansy lives with her girlfriend Emily in central London but stays over regularly. Asher is now married with a one year old boy called Rocco we visit whenever we go to the Miami manor.

Scorpius and Zeus are the best of friends, Zeus has beautiful dark skin with Daphne's bright green eyes. He's awfully shy just like Scorpius they stick together as Athena bosses them around.

Cissy and Lucius spoil them absolutely rotten, she is as expected the best grandmother you could ever hope for. Severus stays with us in the holidays whenever we are home from travelling, he loves to teach the kids potions and telling them stories of Hogwarts.

I took Kingsley up on his offer five years ago, I work at the ministry part time in the Department of Mysteries. Specifically in the space room.

"Mum Athena keeps cheating she starts before the timer and then laughs at me when she wins" Scorpius whined taking a seat between my legs. I run my fingers through his hair as he leans his back on me, I smirked at Draco as he tried not to laugh.

"I am not cheating Scorp it's not my fault I'm just faster than you" she stuck her tongue out at him before drinking her drink.

"Play nicely both of you not everything has to be a competition, we are going back up to the house soon anyway we have to floo home for Nana's ball tomorrow" I said sternly.

"Deep joy" Draco muttered making the kids laugh. I stuck my tongue in my cheek narrowing my eyes at him.

Cissy started throwing her annual Christmas Eve ball again a few years ago. It's the one time of winter we have to come home, otherwise we travel through October to March around our different estates all over the world.

We recently took the kids to New York where Daphne and Pansy had a line in the magical witch fashion week. Me and Athena loved getting dressed up and having front row seats to all the new witch fashion lines.

I looked at my watch "Draco we really should go by the time we are back the kids will have to go to bed" I fussed waving my wand and sending our stuff back to the house.

"Come on then ratbags get a move on" he teased chucking Athena over his shoulder and grabbing Scorpius in a headlock. I followed after their playful screams rolling my eyes.

Euphoric - Draco Malfoy x OC x Tom Riddle Where stories live. Discover now