Aizawa Catch up

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How U meet

"Ai! Get back here!" The man yelled towards the kindergartner. He tried catching up to her. When he got her he smiled, turning back to the others he saw that Taeko had disappeared. "Where's Taeko?" He asked hid students. They all pointed to the redheaded child running to pester a tired looking man. Y/N grabbed him.

"I am so sorry for their behavior. They don't normally act like this." He apologized to the man he was prying his student off of.

"No! He's Eraser." Taeko giggled. Y/N looked at the pro hero with an apologetic look.

"It's fine, teaching is rough. At least you don't teach highschool." He walked off.

Meeting at UA

A few years after that incident Y/N got a job at UA. He was a qualified hero, he just preferred teaching. Y/N was dragging heavy boxes to class. He put posters for the class that he was teaching up on the wall. Y/N was teaching art.

"Teaching art at a Hero school." An annoyed voice said from the doorway. "Why would the students need to know about art."

Y/N looked over with a smile. "Sorry?" He tried to keep a smile on her face. "Sorry that I'm not such a great hero but the students will need coping mechanisms, art just happens to be a great one to use." He put brushes on a shelf with the paints.

"A what? They're future heroes not waiters. They don't need that shit" Y/N smiled bitterly.

"Get the fuck out."

Contact names

Him: Shota

You: Annoyance

Becoming 'friends'

"Yamaha! You are designed drive!" The drunk man laughed, ordering a second beer.

"Yamada." He corrected. His blond hair was still up. "I'm not a motorcycle."

Aizawa was looking at the two. "He's a lightweight." He hadn't had anything to drink.

"Shota! Drink someting!" He leaned on him. "Do it!" He was laughing like an idiot as the angry man ordered three beers for himself.

"I'd have to get hammered to get along with you." He rolled his eyes. Y/N looked at him with mock offense.

Two hours later he was holding onto him with a drunken smile. "Take me home!" He was nowhere near sober, neither was he. He lifted Y/N up with a smile.

Him realizing his feelings

"Oh wow, such a strong manly man." The shorter make rolled his eyes, looking away from the parent. "Tell me, what's it like being the number two hero. I'm curious." He took a sip of his cold tea.

"This isn't about me. I'm asking why there is an art class in this school. These students don't need to be taught how to make collages, they need to know how to properly deal with villains." The angry man almost blew up.

"Careless." Y/N leaned back. I was in shock watching him interact with endeavor. "Tell me this. In what society is it right to teach students that they can never get a break if they want to become a hero. That they'll never be safe. That they'll be praised for putting their lives on the line, so they go ahead and put their lives on the line with the idea that it will get them glory."

"You're twisting my words!"

" How am I the one twisting anything? As an art teacher, it is my job to present possible coping strategies to our students so that they don't snap. You've seen what is going on in our schools right? People are after our students. They're trying to kill them. Do you have any clue how stressful that is? How traumatic that could be on a young undeveloped mind?"

I had never once stopped to look at him, the way his eyes had this strange glossed over look whenever he had to bring up what he teaches and why he teaches it at a school that's like this. Almost as if he wanted to forget something.

His (hair texture) hair, lips, everything about him. I loved. I had never used the word love when revolving around him. I think I like it. I love Y/N L/N.

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