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As soon as I figured out that I liked Y/N I called her, I couldn't put this off or I'd panic and not tell her. That could ruin our friendship if I started acting different and she didn't know why. So I planned on telling her when she got to my dorm.

It took thirty minutes, I'm pretty sure it's because I asked her to come over at three in the morning but when she got to my dorm she looked like a mess yet gorgeous at the same time.

"I need to talk to you" she said while scratching her adorably floppy dog ears.

"Oh, so do I! I'll let you go first though" I responded while letting her into my room.

"Okay so, basically I have a crush on this really amazing and awesome guy who has fluffy hair that I constantly want to mess with and is obsessed with All Might. How do I tell him how I feel?" She asked while holding her hands behind her back.

"Well if you're saying what I think you're saying then I'm pretty sure he also has a crush on an amazing girl with an adorable yet awesome quirk that he is in awe with everytime he sees her smile no matter how many times it happens." I responded while trying not to freak out.

"So do you think he's go out with me on Saturday?" She asked while swaying back and forth.

"Totally" I said quietly, I knew that everyone was still asleep. The rest of the night we were cuddling and sleeping.


"HEY! Not so stupid extra! I guess your kind of cool!" The blonde pomeranian yelled at me, as I laughed at his actions.

"Are you trying to ask me on a date? If you haven't forgotten we're already a couple to annoy my brother silly" I responded making him angry.

"I DON'T DO THIS EVERY DAY OKAY! I ACTUALLY LIKE YOU!" He practically yelled while blushing which made me chuckle so I stood up and grabbed his jacket before kissing him. I also knew that Shouto was watching so that was an added bonus.

"I like you too idiot"

Bonus: "Hey Kendo you're awfully quiet today" Tetsutetsu said to the red head getting her attention and pulling her eyes away from the kiss that just happened.

"Nobody plans a murder out loud" she responded with a deadly glare.

Sort of a failed confession
"H-hey I like you" I said while looking at Todoroki with a bright blush. He looked at me with small smile.

"We wouldn't be friends if you didn't" He said while I gave him a deadly glare before telling him to forget what I said

Bonus: "Why did I say that! FUYUMI I NEED HELP WITH MY LOVE LIFE!!"

Zoom Zoom

It took a month of watch Y/N interact with people to realize that he needed to tell you how he felt or you'd be taken by someone else. He came up with a plan where he'd get the whole class except you to leave and sing a cover of Stupid With Love from the Mean girls Musical.

When you finally agreed to watch something with him he got all nervous before pausing it halfway through and turned on the music so he could sing to you.

"Hey, we were watching Clueless!" You yelled while trying to take the remote which he responded by hiding the remote were you couldn't reach.

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