I'm sorry I couldn't fight it (important must read)

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I'm sorry I couldn't contain my inner fanboy so here's a Kiribaku one shot with Xtra fluff with a side of... What is happening

It's not uncommon for Class 1-A to force Bakugou into doing stupid shit, and this by far was the stupidest. They had all ended up forcing him to play a game of Truth or Dare, or in his case a game of 'I swear on your grave that I'll be the one to put you in it'. So just a normal day for everyone but him.

Kirishima on the other hand was stuck in bed unable to move because he got sick. Unable to move means so sick that he can only really move around his room to grab stuff. So he sat in his bed pouting.

Bakugou was sitting on the couch swearing at everything that moved, Midoriya was next to Todoroki on the ground blushing, Iida was in the kitchen mediating, Kaminari was on the other couch with the Bakusquad minus Kirishima, and the rest of the class was scattered around the room.

"So who goes first? Kero" Asui said, looking around it wasn't hard to tell who was eager to play and who was not. Her eyes went straight to Bakugou.

"Bakugou Truth or Dare?" Asui asked. Bakugou was glaring daggers into her soul.

"Fuck no frogger reject" he said turning his whole body to lay on the sofa.

"You have to pick one dude, or as Kiri would say ' You're not being very manly bro'" Kaminari said smiling at the blond with an attitude.

" Screw you I pick dare" He growled, looking away from the whole group towards the clock on the wall that claimed the time was 10:17 at night.

"OH! I Have a dare for him!" Eichi said raising her hand with a bright smile on her face, much like her twins. Saying the dare she looked at Kaminari who just nodded in agreement.

"No!" Katsuki yelled "I AM NOT PRANKING SHITTY HAIR BY SAYING THAT I LOVE HIM" the Pomeranian in him was awakened as he let went along. Grabbing his phone he called Kirishima.

When Kiri heard his phone he got up and slowly made his way to check the caller ID. Seeing that it was Katsuki he answered with a raspy voice.

"Hey Shitty hair I need to tell you something" the voice on the other line said in a gentle and calm voice that made Kiri's heart do flips.

"What is it bro? You can tell me anything" he said with a raspy and painful voice

"I know it sounds stupid but... I... Shit. I love you... As in more than friends love" Kirishima pinched himself when hearing those words to make sure he wasn't dreaming this up again.

"I feel the same way Bro, I have for a while and now that I know you feel the same... I-" Kirishima stopped his sentence in the middle because Bakugo cut him off.

"I'm just kidding it's a joke Shitty Hair" he said with a sad chuckle.

"Oh yeah no, I know... I was just playing along bro. Why would I like you? That's just gross you're my best friend man" Kiri said with a sob that he disguised as a laugh "hey can you get Eichi to bring me up some more tissues?" He asked getting a huff from the blond in response.

"Yeah, sure" Katsuki said before hanging up and grabbing tissues for Kirishima himself.

When Katsuki got to Kirishima's room he opened the door to see Kirishima on the ground hunched over. Katsuki placed the tissues down next to kiri, while crouching down he could see that Kirishimawas asleep in that position so he picked him up and put him in his bed.

"I'm sorry Shitty hair, I really do love you" He mumbled before placing a gentle kiss on the other males chapped and dry lips. Kirishima's eyes shot open and saw Katsuki with his eyes closed while kissing him.

Kirishima pushed Katsuki away angry that he had just lied to him about loving him before kissing him and worried about getting Katsuki sick.

"I'm sorry for being too chicken to tell them that we're dating" Katsuki said trying not to sound irritated

"It's fine, but I think they know" Kiri said with a weak smile (I forgot to mention that Kiri does not have Covid he just has the flu) "I may have told Eichi"

"You DID WHAT!?" Katsuki threw his hands to his hair and started freaking out about not being accepted for being gay if anyone else found out.

"Babe, calm down if they don't accept us then they don't deserve us" Kirishima kissed his normally angry boyfriend on the forehead, which calmed him down considerably.

"Love ya you moron"

"I love you too kit-kat bar"

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