Iida catchup

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When U meet

I took one step on campus on the first day of UA, slightly excited for the year but also a little bit ticked off from Katsuki finishing the milk an not telling me. (KATSUKI FINISHED THE MILK)

"KATSUKI STOP THAT!" I yelled when I saw him hassling some kids "THEY'RE HERE TO LEARN NOT BE TREATED LIKE HUMAN SCUM BY YOU!" I yelled yet again as he hugged and let the kids run off.

When I got to class I sat down in a seat and started writing some stuff down. I kept my eyes on my notebook as I slowly drifted into doodling. I didn't even notice when my feet slipped onto the table bringing the attention Katsuki was getting towards me.

"Get your feet off the table! Do you know how disrespectful that is!?" I looked up and saw a tall male with blue-black hair and stunning eyes underneath glasses that flattered his face, so I did what anny rational person would do... I teased him.(not like that you perverts. More like a third grade boy with a crush)

"Sorry glasses I didn't mean to do that..." I said with my feet still on the table. "But if you want me to take my feet off the table you'll have to move them yourself" I smiled up at the male as he was basically blowing smoke from every hole on his face.

"I'm not touching you. We just met" He said turning a crimson red as I took my feet off the table and trailer my hand up his arm slowly heading towards his neck.

"What like this?" I said right before I stood up and trailed my hand slowly up his neck and pinching him basically everywhere I could trying to get him to laugh. He only stared me down "Sorry... That normally gets people to laugh" I muttered with a slight chuckle.

Meeting again

I was at some sort of Gala that Yaoyorozu forced me to go to, her being my best friend and all. Momo was off talking with some people from her middle school while I stayed closer to the corner feeling self-conscious about the dress she had forced me into wearing.

 Momo was off talking with some people from her middle school while I stayed closer to the corner feeling self-conscious about the dress she had forced me into wearing

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When Momo came back she had the one person I would've liked to avoid the most out of everyone at the place, Iida. He was wearing a tuxedo while shooting a death stare at me so I continued to do the rational thing and made fun of him.

"So what brings you here speedy" I said while cursing at myself for doing this. His stare never seemed to falter as I said this and it low-key started freaking me out.

"Yaoyorozu had told me that I had to say hello to somebody respectable before I left but she brought me to you of all people." These words stung like hell but I was able to manage a few words of... I don't know what to call it, discomfort I guess.

"Momo can we leave please?" Is what I could manage out as I looked at the ground. Seeing as Iida didn't have any remarks about how...

"It's rude to leave a gala early Y/N, and Yaoyorozu knows this" he said making it worse as I kept my eyes on the ground.

Iida's POV

I couldn't believe that Yaoyorozu had actually left her friend alone with me at a gala. It is not like her to do that, it made my blood curdle just hearing Y/Ns voice.

"Yeah sure, I bet when tommorow comes you will treat me the way you always do even if I never leave this place full of highschool kids" she said glaring at me. I could tell that I had actually struck a nerve with the prideful girl. "I'm leaving now, I don't care if you think it's disrespectful" with that she left.

Bacoming 'friends'

(You two never really became friends but you started being able to handle eachother this may also sort of be an accidental confession)

Everybody was visiting with their parents or on a date so you were all alone in the dorms with Iida in his room studying. Knowing that nobody was there you let your prideful ways slip into the quiet and soft hearted person you were. You really wanted to watch a Rom-Com but didn't want to do it alone so you asked Iida to watch it with you. He responded with a quick 'no, I'm studying' so you started to bug him by constantly asking him over text.

Soon Iida gave up and went down to the common area, seeing you sitting on the couch criss-cross applesauce with a kind smile as you looked through the Rom-Coms made him chuckle.

"Do you want popcorn? I accidentally made too much." You said looking back at him in a way that made his heart do back flips.

"Sure" he responded looking at the TV "so what movie did you pick?" He asked as you shifted your gaze towards the television.

"It's down to The Princess Bride or Heathers, The Wedding Singer" you said trying to get his help in deciding.

"I've never watched Heathers before what's it about?" Those words made your decision for you so as soon as he sat down you turned on Heather's.

"You'll see, but if you don't like it please don't ridicule me about it. I'm sensitive when it comes to movies" You said snuggling up on on end of the couch.

As the Movie went on somehow your location slowly drifted towards Iida, halfway through the movie you were straight up cuddling with him. Iida despite looking annoyed was perfectly fine with you using him as a pillow.

"So he killed her 'friend' with drain cleaner? That's not really heroic" Iida questioned.

"1.) It was the 80's 2.) He watched his mom commit suicide, so yeah he's a little fucked up." You responded before looking up at him "but that's not what the movie is about, imagine that your whole life you move from place to place never really making friends, your mom kills herself in front of you, and a girl ends up falling for you despite those happening your view of love is so screwed that it causes you to kill for her even if she's objecting you even ended up dying in the name of love that was twisted and screwed to the point it drove you to be psychotic. Love is a dangerous weapon that if messed with and twisted can cause people to loose their minds." After saying that you were slightly out of breath but you still decided to continue talking " I mean it's hard to not know how to handle your feelings towards somebody especially if they're sitting right next to you and listening when your going on a rant about how love can make someone crazy"

As soon as you said that you purposefully rolled off of the couch onto the ground and made a run for your room only to be stopped by a pair of hands grabbing you and pulling you into a hug.

"I would be stupid to fall for you, I know you took so much time to plan that so you could find a new way to annoy me." The words coming out of his mouth broke your heart.

"I should just... Go study in my room I guess" you mumbled before walking off. Slamming your bedroom door before collapsing to the floor in a fit sobs. 'Ill stop messing with you I promise' you thought.

Contact names

His for you: Y/N

Yours for him: Love💗

Relationship song

(For this one it's going to be one of the first songs you two listened to and the one that describes his feelings)

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