
496 8 17

I get to the party
I park the car

I get out the car
Y/n:well here goes nothing...
Kairi:just relax and have funnn
Roshaun:I sure will
Kairi:I mean like u can drink and stuff,I don't think I will drink
Y/n:let's go
I grab kairi a and roshauns hand
We go inside

When I first step in the house
I see smoke

Ppl making out, dancing, beers, songs and everything

Well this is gonna be a long night...

Kairi:well what are we waiting for, let's go have fun
Roshaun:bye ima find a girl to dance with
I saw the rest of the crew walks in

I didn't really pay attention to Aidan till now
I saw what he was wearing
Ngl...he looks kinda hot
Y/n!what are u thinking
He has a gf😑rememberrrr

I walk away and go grab a drink
Ale:oh hey y/n
Y/n:oh hi Ale
Ale:so wanna dance
Y/n:uh...sure why not:)
Ale grab my hand and takes me in the center and we start dancing

~ Skip time~

I finish dancing with Ale
I go get another drink
I then saw Roshaun dancing with a girl
gEt InTo iT

Then I saw kairi came up to me
Kairi:having fun?
Y/n:yea, just getting started
Kairi:k bye and don't do sumthing stupid
Y/n:mhm bye olaf 🙄👋🏼
Kairi walks away

I just sat in the kitchen drink
I just want to forget about everythinggg
Just for once....

~Skip time~

I was on my 4 or 5 drink
I was getting pretty dizzy
I was drunk just abit
I get out of my seat and go to the center to find sumone to dance with

I couldn't find one...

Then Aidan came up to me
Aidan:is this ur drink?
He said holding my drink I left in the table
Y/n:oh yEaa
He hand me my drink

I took a three sips
Aidan looked at me with a smirk
Y/n:can I helP u aidAn?
Aidan:yea in a few mins u will....😏
I have confused on what he meant by that
Y/n:uh byeeee
I walk away
Aidan grabs my arm
Aidan:hey where u going little one
Y/n:litTle onE

We started make eye contact
I started to get horny
Not sure why
Aidan:let's go to a quiet place
Aidan takes me upstairs
In a room

I then felt my panties wet
Mhm I'm very much horny
Y/n:I Uh...ik U havE a gF so Ima leavE
Aidan grabs my arm
Aidan:woah I use to
Aidan:now ik ur horny
Y/n:h-how diD u knoww?
Aidan:uh put in ur drink a Pill that can make u horny

(A/n:I'm sry I forgot how u spell that word
Vag sumthing
Ik im so dum🌚🤚🏼)

Aidan:want me to help u
Y/n:...uh idkk
Aidan pushes me to the bed
Y/n:fine just for 5 mins
Aidan:we'll see

Sry I ended
And sry u didn't post for three days?i think
Smut in the other chapter tmrw
Bye luvs😽✌🏽❣️

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