I finish doing my hw and put everything away I then lay down on my bed I sigh Y/n:now what ....
Oh ik I grab my phone I FaceTime the group chat They all answer They say hi I say it back Hazel:so y/n is one of the boys cute that u live with? Y/n:nah Josie:yea for me Dess:me too Devyn:me three Alex:anywaysss, how y'all doing like Josie:show me one of the boys Y/n:ehh I'm at my room, i don't wanna get out Derek:we should hang out Alex:mall? Y/n:nah i went to the mall like three or two times already Dess:dang who took u Y/n:the boys Devyn:luckyyy, i always go with my mom
I hear a knock Y/n:come in!! The door opens It's Mattia Y/n:lucky for u josie ima show u one of the boys I love with Josie:ya lettt me seeee Mattia:what? Y/n:Mattia these are my friends, Alex, Derek, Josie- Josie:hiiii Mattia:hi Y/n:dess, Devyn and hazel Mattia:they pretty Derek:why thank u handsome😏 Josie:waittt?!!...is that Mattia polibio, famous on TikTok?! Mattia:yes Hazel:that's what I was about to sayy Y/n:ok well can i help u with something Mattia? Mattia:I'm hungry, can u make dinner plz Y/n:sure I'll be down Mattia:k He leaves the room
Hazel:cute Y/n:ehh-anyways so when we gonna hang out Derek:my place, maybe tmrw? Y/n:ok Alex:yessirrr Y/n:well I have to leave, ima make dinner Hazel:ok bye bad bitches Josie:bye Dess:byeee They said byee and I said bye back Then I end the FaceTime call
I then go downstairs and see Mattia kai and roshaun in the living room Y/n:Hii guys, so what u wanna eat Mattia:sum like...Mexican food Kai:mhm Roshaun:are u Mexican? Y/n:yea, well ok ima make some Mexican food
I head to the kitchen Y/n:what kinda of Mexican food should I make???
(Honestly idk what Mexican food and i don't wanna spend most of my time on finding Mexican food, pretend to make the food of ur choice)
I've been cooking for like 45 mins The food is done I place it on the dinning room
This the dining room:
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I think I forgot to add the laundry room Sry
After I place the food on the table I call the boys Y/n:boys food is ready!! I sit down Then the boys come too and sit down They all thank me Y/n:ur welcome:) We then start to eat .....
Skip time
I finish eating and wash the dishes Now what? Ugh I go up my room
Ima make a TikTok I put my phone in my ring light and start doing the tiktok
I finish and post it Now I'm bored I lay on my bed I sigh Mattia:bored huh? I look at the door Y/n:oh hey Mattia Mattia:hi Y/n:whatcha doin? Mattia:bored, just like u Y/n:oh... Then kai comes in
Kairi:um y/n can I hang out in ur room plz?🥺 Y/n:ofc Mattia:uh- ok well can I too? Y/n:sure They both lay down my bed I turn on the tv and we watch a movie I scary movie tho👁👁💧 Kairi:can u play with mah hair plzz??🥺 In a baby voice
Y/n:ok I start to play with his hair He start to fall asleep I went on my phone while still playing with kiss hair I go to the gc My friends from school
The crazy baddie friends 😩💅🏼
Alex:ok but like it's almost graduation day-
Dess:so it's in like 5 months
Devyn:party bitches🤪
Hazel:nahh yall hella crazy when y'all go to party's, u guys get drunk and say shit and get crazy and shit
Y/n:fr tho- not me
Josie:we'll just us tho
Y/n:and my boys too
Josie:hit me up with one of those boys
Hazel:fr, u keeping them to urself
Y/n:not keeping them to my self bitch Pick one y'all There's Mattia, kairi, Alejandro, Roshaun, Alvaro, Aidan, and Robert
Dess:damn all those a boys-
Alex:like I said u get dick?
Y/n:no now stfu
Derek:alright ima pick the one that called me pretty, Mattia😌💅🏼
Devyn:don't want one, ok I need to leave bye y'all
Y/n:me too bye yall😽✌🏼
I then get off my phone Mattia:who were u texting Y/n:my friends from school Mattia:mk I then heard kai little snore Aww
Then Mattia hugs me We cuddle and continue to watch the movie
.......to be continued
________________________________ Y'all sry Ik it's short It's sooo hard to choose who to end with?!!!
When I first came up with this story I was thinking bout ending up with mattia But I think I changed my mind Either Kai, Mattia or Aidan Idk who K bye luvs✌🏼❤️ 869 words