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I finish doing my hw and put everything away
I then lay down on my bed
I sigh
Y/n:now what

Oh ik
I grab my phone
I FaceTime the group chat
They all answer
They say hi
I say it back
Hazel:so y/n is one of the boys cute that u live with?
Josie:yea for me
Dess:me too
Devyn:me three
Alex:anywaysss, how y'all doing like
Josie:show me one of the boys
Y/n:ehh I'm at my room, i don't wanna get out
Derek:we should hang out
Y/n:nah i went to the mall like three or two times already
Dess:dang who took u
Y/n:the boys
Devyn:luckyyy, i always go with my mom

I hear a knock
Y/n:come in!!
The door opens
It's Mattia
Y/n:lucky for u josie ima show u one of the boys I love with
Josie:ya lettt me seeee
Y/n:Mattia these are my friends, Alex, Derek, Josie-
Y/n:dess, Devyn and hazel
Mattia:they pretty
Derek:why thank u handsome😏
Josie:waittt?!!...is that Mattia polibio, famous on TikTok?!
Hazel:that's what I was about to sayy
Y/n:ok well can i help u with something Mattia?
Mattia:I'm hungry, can u make dinner plz
Y/n:sure I'll be down
He leaves the room

Y/n:ehh-anyways so when we gonna hang out
Derek:my place, maybe tmrw?
Y/n:well I have to leave, ima make dinner
Hazel:ok bye bad bitches
They said byee and I said bye back
Then I end the FaceTime call

I then go downstairs and see Mattia kai and roshaun in the living room
Y/n:Hii guys, so what u wanna eat
Mattia:sum like...Mexican food
Roshaun:are u Mexican?
Y/n:yea, well ok ima make some Mexican food

I head to the kitchen
Y/n:what kinda of Mexican food should I make???

(Honestly idk what Mexican food and i don't wanna spend most of my time on finding Mexican food, pretend to make the food of ur choice)

I've been cooking for like 45 mins
The food is done
I place it on the dinning room

This the dining room:

This the dining room:

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I think I forgot to add the laundry roomSry

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I think I forgot to add the laundry room

After I place the food on the table I call the boys
Y/n:boys food is ready!!
I sit down
Then the boys come too and sit down
They all thank me
Y/n:ur welcome:)
We then start to eat

Skip time

I finish eating and wash the dishes
Now what?
I go up my room

Ima make a TikTok
I put my phone in my ring light and start doing the tiktok

I finish and post it
Now I'm bored
I lay on my bed
I sigh
Mattia:bored huh?
I look at the door
Y/n:oh hey Mattia
Y/n:whatcha doin?
Mattia:bored, just like u
Then kai comes in

Kairi:um y/n can I hang out in ur room plz?🥺
Mattia:uh- ok well can I too?
They both lay down my bed
I turn on the tv and we watch a movie
I scary movie tho👁👁💧
Kairi:can u play with mah hair plzz??🥺
In a baby voice

I start to play with his hair
He start to fall asleep
I went on my phone while still playing with kiss hair
I go to the gc
My friends from school

               The crazy baddie friends 😩💅🏼

Alex:ok but like it's almost graduation day-


Dess:so it's in like 5 months

Devyn:party bitches🤪

Hazel:nahh yall hella crazy when y'all go to party's, u guys get drunk and say shit and get crazy and shit

                                                  Y/n:fr tho- not me

Josie:we'll just us tho

                                               Y/n:and my boys too

Josie:hit me up with one of those boys

Hazel:fr, u keeping them to urself

             Y/n:not keeping them to my self bitch
                                                              Pick one y'all
                        There's Mattia, kairi, Alejandro,
               Roshaun, Alvaro, Aidan, and Robert

Dess:damn all those a boys-

Alex:like I said u get dick?

                                                      Y/n:no now stfu

Derek:alright ima pick the one that called me pretty, Mattia😌💅🏼

Devyn:don't want one, ok I need to leave bye y'all

                                       Y/n:me too bye yall😽✌🏼

I then get off my phone
Mattia:who were u texting
Y/n:my friends from school
I then heard kai little snore

Then Mattia hugs me
We cuddle and continue to watch the movie

.......to be continued

Y'all sry
Ik it's short
It's sooo hard to choose who to end with?!!!

When I first came up with this story
I was thinking bout ending up with mattia
But I think I changed my mind
Either Kai, Mattia or Aidan
Idk who
K bye luvs✌🏼❤️
869 words

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