Kai and y/n were sleeping Wow y/n is even cute when she is sleeping She sleeps so peacefully
I kiss her forehead and let her sleep Me and y/n at the end of the bed and Kai have the rest
Skip time Y/n POV:
I slowly open my eyes and see Mattia and Kai on my bed I didn't want to wake them up I slowly get out of my bed and go downstairs
I see Aidan I go to the kitchen It's 7:52pm rn Aidan is in the living room I go to the pantry;
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I get gold fish
I go to the fridge and get a Gatorade Aidan:hey y/n, come sit next to me Y/n:alright I grab a straw for my Gatorade Idk if u need a straw for the Gatorade but I do👁👁
I then go to the living room and sit next to Aidan Aidan:can I have sum goldfish? Y/n:sure I gave him the bag and he takes sum Aidan:so wanna watch a movie? Y/n:I already watched one with mattia and Kai, the movie was kinda boring and scary Aidan:alright then what u wanna do Y/n:idk Aidan:cuddle?😏 Y/n:don't u have a gf? Aidan:oh uh use to, she..cheated on me Y/n:oh sry, i felt that before Aidan:mhm
Y/n:well let's go to the gaming room Aidan:ok We go to the gaming room and sum games
Aidan was kinda beating me on all the games Y/n:bruh u won for the 7th time Aidan:what can I say, I'm a pro😌 Y/n:😠
Mattia comes in Mattia:oh hey, what u guys doing? Y/n:playing and hello sleepyhead Mattia:well cmon y/n Y/n:wh- Mattia pulls my arm out the gaming room
Y/n:hey wtf Mattia, I wanted to- Mattia:no Y/n:no what?! Mattia:bc remember what I said the other day Y/n:yea I don't remember Mattia:that ur mine Y/n;tf I'm not, plus u have gf Mattia:so ur saying to break up with her? Y/n:no, the only thing I'm saying is not to cheat on her, plus I only see u as a friend Mattia Mattia:uh- u really fucking said that? Y/n:yes now- Mattia:no, ur mine Y/n:ur jealous alright u? Mattia:yea, I am now don't get near the other boys Y/n:like i said I only see them as friends only, plus i don't wanna date anyone rn, and ima say it again, I only see u as a friend Mattia Mattia:ok then, when we fucked, what does that mean to u huh? Y/n:nothing I guess Mattia:wow............. fine then
Mattia then leaves But he gets out the house I think he is being alil dramatic tho I only want to be friends Plus I don't wanna date anyone
I then go back to the gaming room Aidan was making a TikTok Y/n:oh Aidan:well what happen? Y/n:uh Mattia was alil jealous but it's ok let's continue to play Aidan:alright
Me and Aidan continue to play
Skip time
Me and Aidan been playing for like almost and hour Y/n:well I'm kinda tired, ima take a shower and go to sleep Aidan:it's only 9:10 Y/n:yea Ik, we have school tmrw
Aidan:ok then Y/n:bye Aidan:good night Y/n:night night
I get out the gaming rooms and go upstairs To my room And see Kai is still sleeping- This bitch Y/n:kairi get ur asss uppp!!!!
Kai jumps Kairi:bro wtf was that for bitch Y/n:hehe anyways ima take a shower Kai:mind if I join😏 Y/n:stfu and get out my room before I beat ur small ass olaf self out, now night night baby😘 Kairi:damn ok then, but can I get a kiss?plzz🥺my mom always kiss me in my cheek every- Y/n:yea ok ok what ever I kiss olaf in the cheek Kai:eeeee, thanks bye~ In a baby voice He then get out my room and I get my pjs and tower and go in the bathrooms I start to take a shower Im kinda worried Mattia hasn't come back tho
Maybe he will tho It's only 9 I then continue to shower ....
Skip time
I finish showering and change into my pjs
This mah pjs:
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I then bruh my teeth Did my skin routine I bruh my hair too I then get in bed
I turn off the lights and my led lights And the lamp I get on TikTok and scroll Noticing sum of my fans by liking and cmting
I then put away my phone and go to sleep
Skip time to 12am Mattia POV:
I was at vics house Kinda mad at y/n I actually love y/n a lot She not bratty like Vic She's different from those a other girls I dated I then get out of vics house It was 12am
I made it home the house and get inside I guess I should check up on y/n Hopefully I didn't feel her feelings
I enter her room and see she is asleep Aww my baby I then go up to her and give her a kiss on her cheek and forehead I then realize the pjs she had on Fuck she so gorgeous
Welll good night princess
I get out her room
.....to be continued
__________________________________ Hey So mostly ppl voted for Aidan So I guess we can end up with Aidan:)
And like I said When I first started this story I was thinking on ending up with mattia But I guess not
But not to worry Mattia and kairi lovers Plz continue reading Have lil surprise But won't last long tho Anywayzzzzz Byee yalll 😘😘😘😘😜😜😜🥸😜🥶🥰🤎♍️👺👺👺👺👺👺👺👺💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼✝️