
490 9 2

I was downstairs
Mins after Aidan fucked me

I kinda wanted to go home now
I am tired

(Not to mention ur still drunk)

I was in the kitchen
Sitting down
I stand up and start to find on of the boys

I found Mattia
I tap on his shoulder
He did hear bc of the loud music blasting
I went up to his ear so he can hear me better
Y/n:I Wanna go home, I'm tired
Mattia:alright, I'll take home, just wait for me outside

I walk away from Mattia and go outside the house
I was kinda dizzy
I was holding my last drink
I took a sip

It's been like 3 mins

(Ik vic went to the party too but just pretend that u forgot)

I saw Mattia walking out the house
We went to the car
We get in
Mattia:the boys wanted to stay a lil longer
Y/n:ok let's go
Mattia:oh and Vic is coming too
Forgot that bitch went to the party too
I didn't say say anything
I layed my head on mattias shoulder
I yawn
Mattia:we'll be home soon
He rubs my head

I then saw Vic come out and went in the car
I take my head off of Mattias head
Vic:uh y/n I'm suppose to sit with my bf, move
Mattia:doesn't matter Vic
Mattia starts to drive
I look at the window

I close my eyes
I was so tired I started to fall asleep
And I did...

                                  Mattias pov:

I was driving
I turn to see y/n to make sure she ok
Ik she's tired
Aww she was sleeping
She so cute when she's sleeping

Anyways I'm going to drop off Vic at her house
I think Ima break up with her
Lost feelings for her

I fell in love with y/n
Not because she's pretty and have a nice body
Because of her personality
She's different from those other girls
Just can't explain bc on how perfect she is

My thoughts went away when I saw Vic bothering y/n when she is sleeping
Mattia:hey what are u doing
Vic:she's a bitch
Mattia:and why?!
Vic:idk she took my friends from me, the boys
Mattia:not trying to be mean to u or anything but the boys don't like u, they prefer y/n
Vic:everyone likes me and wants to be my friend
Mattia:the boys don't, they said that ur a bitch and that u think everyone likes u and wants to be ur friend just because ur popular
Mattia:mhm they prefer y/n bc she's so different from u
Vic:and u agreed?!!
Mattia:uh no, just let y/n sleep
Vic:looks like u like her too

I continue to drive

I got to Vic house
Vic:I thought we were going to ur house, I want to cuddle with u
Mattia:no it's literally about to be like 1am
Mattia:too late we are already at ur house, good night and bye
Vic:no kiss or babe?
I kiss Vic
Mattia:bye babe
Vic:bye baby and love u
Mattia:me too...

Vic roll his eyes
She gets off the car

As soon she shut the door I drove away
I drive to the house
Y/n was still sleeping
Wow so cute

Took me like about 10 mins
I got to the house and parked the car
I get out and made my way to the other side where y/n is
She was still sleeping so I'm going to have to carry her to her room
I don't mind

I open the door and pick her up
Trying not to wake her up
I close the door and lock the car and go in the house and lock the house and go upstairs to her room

I made it and lay her down
Now how tf am I going to change her
She still in that dress

Wow her curves tho
I mean we fucked already
I don't think she mind if I change her
I grab a pair of pjs and change her
Only the dress tho

I tryed not looking at her body bc I'm respectful

After I change I go back to my room and change into my pjs
I go to her room and lock the door and lay down next to her

I want to sleep with sumone tonight
Only for tonight tho

I close my eyes

Y/n's POV:

I slowly open my eyes
I saw that I was in my room and changed?!
Didn't remember being in here
I look around and see Mattia next to be
He has his eyes closed but i don't think he is sleeping

I put my head on his chest
And my hands on his waist
Hugging him
I feel more safe
Mattia:u woke up
Y/n:when did I get here?
Mattia:few mins ago, dropped Vic off her house, went to the house but u were sleeping so I carried u
Y/n:and let me guess, u changed me
Mattia:I did but I swear I didn't look
Mattia:just go to sleep
Y/n:well thx for taking care of me Dino
While I play with his hair
Mattia:np princess
I close my eyes
Ignoring what he said
I'm still tired tho
But I was about to give him a kiss on his cheek but he turned his head and I kissed him on the lips
Mattia:luv u good night
Y/n:night night
I close my eyes
So I fell asleep again

We both fell asleep cuddling


Sry I haven't post
I'm too busy
But ima try be active for ya
it's literally 3am where I am rn and im writing this💀
Night night and bye luvs💗👁

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