
912 10 12

Me and kairi was in the living room,eating

Y/n:I'm finish,uh bye kai"
I walk to the kitchen and clean my plate

After I clean my plate I go upstairs to my room
I liked it actually
It's the vibes and pretty cool
And I got my own bathroom
I go sit on my bed and watch sum TikToks
I have a TikTok acc actually
I only have 96.9k followers
I decided to make a TikTok too

I got to the part where u have to throw it back so I did
Then sumone walked in
I stand up straight
Y/n:oh uhh hi tia
Mattia:shit uhh nun just wanted to ask if u have any socials,but I guess u do
Y/n:I'm sry,I-
Mattia:nah it's fine
Y/n:I have insta, Twitter,snap,tiktok and apps like that
Mattia:can I have the acc
I pass my acc on my socials

Mattia:so can we make a TikTok?

Me and mattia end up making two TikToks
Y/n:bye tia

Mattia leaves my room
I like Mattia
Mattia seems nice and cool

Oh and I also have a tv in my room
It's has Netflix,hula,YouTube and stuff like that
I put Netflix on
I put on a movie and snuggle under my blanket
I have lots of pillows too☺️🧸🧸🌚

I was watching Harry Potter:)
My lights were off
And my led lights were on dark blue
I was injoying the movie
It's a great movie
Oh and btw it Friday today

...but I still miss my parents:(


I then heard a knock at my door
Y/n:come in!
I said
The door opens and it's kairi
Y/n:yes kai
Kai:ik we just met and stuff but I just feel so sad rn
Y/n:aw why
Kai:I wanna hug,my mom use to hug me 🥺and I miss her,and well since ur the only girl here I guess u can act like my mom🥺👉🏻👈🏻
I giggle alil
Kai is a really nice and sweet boy
He is like a baby
He is short tho🌚
Y/n:we just met but come here kai
Kai closes the door
He comes and puts his head on my chest
Kai:mhh thx
I start playing with his hair
I love giving hugs tho
I kinda start trusting the boy
But I haven't really know them that much
Me and Kai watch Harry Potter
Kai:I luv that show
Y/n:me too,Harry looks so hot in his messy hair🤤
Kai:eh kinda

Me and kai continue watching and hug


Aww cute
Poor Kai:(

Sry I didn't post in two or three days I think
I'm just really busy and TikTok too
And I wanna spend time with my fam
But hope u guys like it

Ima try to post

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