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                                Y/n's pov

Mattia:say something
Y/n:i didn't even ask for u to pRoTecT me
Mattia:I want to, look I didn't meet ur parents, I wish I did but the thing is that Ik ur parents want someone to protect u, I'll be willing to do that, so please y/n.
Y/n:so you're just gonna act like my bodyguard?or what
Mattia:not all the time
Y/n:Mattia you're wasting my time I have to shower, bye

I go in the bathroom and shut the door

                                Mattia's pov

I really want to protect her
One bc it's for her parents
And well two bc.. I really love her

                                Y/n's pov

After I take a shower I put on some clothes

 I then go to my room and put some light makeup and brush my hair

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I then go to my room and put some light makeup and brush my hair

I have decided to go out and visit one of my closest friend I have that lives at LA too but lives alil far away

(You might forgot but in this story we are living in LA, not nj)

I put some perfume
Grab some stuff I need and got out my room
I go down the stairs

Y/n:boys I'll be back, I'm going somewhere!!
Kairi:hey where u going?
Y/n:see one of my friends
Kairi:mh alright, don't be late!
Kairi:oou bring me some Nutella and hot Cheetos
Kairi:it's a good combo
Y/n:oh uh.. ew?

Mattias comes in
Mattia:I'll go with u
Y/n:Mattia Im going to my friends
Mattia:yea I'll go with u
Y/n:I want to spend alone time with my friend
Kairi:yea mATtia
Hits matti arms with his arm and walks away

Mattia:yea I'll go with u, what's the big deal
Y/n:omg the big deal is that you're not letting me do anything, like if I was a little fucking kid that needs someone to look out for them..I don't need that Mattia, now fuck off, I'm going to my friends house
Mattia:I'm just looking after u, please, I'll stay away from u and ur friend please y/n, please
Y/n:no Mattia
Mattia:...alright then so can I get the address
Y/n:*shit he will realize that they live far away* no Mattia
Mattia:no no no, it's either give me the address or I'll go with u!
Y/n:alright then
I gave the address
Mattia:alright, see it's alil far away
Y/n:I'll be back early tho
Mattia:mh, yea be early and be careful
He walks upstairs

I get out the house and in my car
Big ass car
I was going to go to target and then my friends house

once i get to target i get some snacks for us to munch on

after that i then go to my friends house
i get to her house and knock

hey y'all ik it's been 2 years since i last posted on this specific story
life has been busy rn
i forgot who characters are on here but i'll try my best to post!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2024 ⏰

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