Chapter 3 - Puellas Nocte

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Ginny was leaning against the wall waiting for her outside of the common room entrance when she left for breakfast on Friday morning.

"Morning Gin, why didn't you meet me in the Great Hall, or at least send me a patronusto let you in so you didn't have to wait for me?" She greeted the younger girl, who seemed to be half-asleep where she was standing. The two girls began their walk to the Great Hall, neither in an exceptional hurry to get to their destination just yet.

"I didn't meet you in the Hall because I have something to tell you on the way there. I didn't mind waiting, I'm way too tired to cast a patronusthis morning. Pavarti kept me up half the night talking, I think she thinks I'm going to be her new Lavender." Hermione flinched at the memory of her classmate being mauled to death in front of her.

"You said there was something you wanted to tell me?" She prompted, eager to change the conversation.

"Oh yeah, so don't be mad because I only did it without asking because I knew you would say no and you aren't allowed to say anything except 'yes Gin that sounds lovely I can't wait' or else I will be forced to pull the I got dumped by The Chosen Onecard." She fixed her friend with a disapproving frown, making sure to look just to the right of her to avoid eye contact.

"What did you do Ginevra?"

"Woah now the use of my first name seems a little overly-hostile it's nothing bad"


"I told Luna that we'll be hosting our girl's night in your dorm tonight instead of Gryffindor tower and to tell the other girls, we'll be there at curfew"

"It's Friday, don't you have to sneak out and shag your quidditch player? Plus I have patrol tonight. It won't work Gin, sorry." Her words earned her an annoyed half-sigh half-snort from the red-head.

"Firstly; I had to stop answering my quidditch player-who has a name by the way- because he kept trying to take me to dinner-"

"I know he has a name" She interrupted her friend "however you've never bothered to tell me what it is. Please do educate me as to why a dinner invite is a bad thing."

It was Ginny's turn to give her a disapproving frown. "no more interrupting" she scolded playfully "dinner is a bad thing because I have already done the girlfriend to a famous person thing and I quite prefer not being a weekly feature in the Daily Prophet thank you." Hermione hummed in understanding but didn't speak, sensing her friend was not done.

"Where was I again? Ah yes. Secondly; ask Malfoy to take your patrol tonight or just give the students of Hogwarts a night to break the rules I don't particularly care but this is tradition and you're not getting out of it. Thirdly; Luna is bringing faerie wine AND she and Neville took a field trip to the back of Greenhouse 3 yesterday." The two girls exchanged knowing grins before sobering their expressions as they passed a group of 3rdyear Hufflepuffs.

"Alright fine" she caved to which her companion gave a victorious fist pump "but you're in charge of asking the elves for snacks. The password is primrose, you and Luna can put all the stuff in the common room during our free block."

"And where will you be that you can't help us set up?" Ginny looked genuinely curious now.

"I'll be in the library, sucking up to Malfoy and simultaneously murdering my pride." The thought of owing the Head Boy anything caused her mild nausea but she wouldn't disappoint the girls.


When he returned to his room from his morning shower the dorm was vacant of annoying brunettes and there was a note taped to the outside of his bedroom door.

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