Chapter 31 - Habeturne

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I won't lie, for like an hour I considered making this the last chapter of Blood Bound. But after being yelled at by my good friend who happens to be a loyal reader, I've decided against what was apparently a terrible idea. However I do want to say that we are on the home stretch, only three (maybe four) chapters left before it's officially over.

Anyways, this chapter is kinda smutty, kinda fluffly, kinda angsty so it's got something for everyone.



The muscles in Hermione's legs strained to the point where they almost ached, and her arms shook with exertion. It was worth it though, for the exquisite view she got in the mirror; Draco in all his pale angular glory with his face twisted in pleasure as he fucked her from behind in front of their bathroom mirror. Her hips pressed into the cold porcelain of the sink in direct juxtaposition with the heat of his hands on her waist.

She met his eyes just as a breathy "oh my god" fell from her lips, and she watched as he grinned wolfishly.

"Draco works just fine love, though 'God' does have a nice ring to it." One of his hands released its grip on her torso, slithering down her body to grasp the inside of one of her thighs. With a tug to communicate for her to lift the leg, Draco repositioned her so that her knee was perched on the lip of the sink, forcing her legs wider apart and arching her back obscenely. This new angle allowed him to press into her deeper, thrusting inside of her just perfectly.

Another moan escaped her as he leant over her, his breath burning hot on the shell of her ear as he spoke, his voice coming out low and raspy.

"You like this don't you beautiful? You like it when I fuck you so hard you forget your own name?" One of his hands had crept into her hair, tangling itself in the wild locks. He tugged hard, forcing her neck back so their eyes met in the mirror. His irises looked like molten silver and they felt like they were burning into her with the intensity in them. "You look so amazing like this, my perfect witch, all debauched and wanton just for me. Letting me fuck you wherever I want, however I want, isn't that right darling?"

Whatever words she could have formed in response, dissolved into broken incoherence as he picked up the pace of his thrusts with renewed abandon.

"I'm going to think about this every day while I'm at the manor" he continued, his words broken more often by heavy breathing. "Whenever I'm wishing I was back here instead, I'll remember you just like this bent over our sink in our bathroom for me."

Maybe it was the possessive words, or the heat in his gaze as he watched her react to those words, or a combination of it all; but everything in the world narrowed down to one singular spot as Hermione's orgasm washed over her out of nowhere. She watched in the mirror, as her jaw dropped open in a long moan, her eyes rolling into her head slightly. Her back bowed as her muscles wound themselves so tight, she thought they may snap before her entire body released.

She went slack in Draco's grip, held up only by the hand in her hair, the arm belted around her waist, and the torso pinning her to the sink. He kept moving inside of her, bucking with renewed abandon as he used the hand in her hair to turn her face so he was able to kiss her. She felt his cock twitch when he came, his tongue pressing between her willing lips to crash with hers.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, him slowly softening inside of her. Neither of them seemed to be willing to separate even for the sake of relocating to a sofa or a bed.

Hermione was the first to break their kiss, pulling away when she could no longer ignore the aches in her body from her awkward position on the sink. Reluctantly, she put her other foot back onto the ground and made to stand, a rush of warmth trickling down her thigh as Draco pulled out of her, his release leaking out for a few seconds before he managed the summon the energy to nonverbally vanish the fluid from between her legs.

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