Chapter 16 - Sano

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"Draco Lucius Malfoy!" The angry words carried through the dorm to where he was laying on his back staring up at the canopy of his bed. He heard her kick off her shoes by the entrance and stomp -which sounded much less intimidating when one was wearing socks- across the small sitting area towards his room. "I swear to Merlin I'm going to hex your- why the fuck are you covered in blood?" Her voice rose in pitch a few octaves as she crossed the threshold of his bedroom and caught sight of him. He probably looked frightful with his friend's blood all over his face and shirt and his own crusted over his bruised knuckles.

"I punched Nott." He responded shortly, not taking his eyes off the emerald green fabric hanging above his head. He stared blankly as the silver embroidered patterns shifted in and out of focus. She made an annoyed choking sound in the back of her throat and he felt the mattress shift when she sat at the foot of the bed, her back resting against a bed post. He lifted his head to look at her, she seemed to be attempting to reign in her flared temper. The ends of her hair had become sentient in her anger and were occasionally sending off red sparks even as she took deep, even breaths.

Eventually, her hair settled onto her shoulders once again and the air around them felt less thick with magic when she managed to calm herself down somewhat. Draco didn't flinch when she lifted her wand and aimed it at his face; whether because he trusted her not to curse him or because he frankly didn't care if she did, well it was a toss-up at the moment.

"Why did you punch Theo?" She asked softly after she'd vanished the blood from his cheek.

"I was jealous." He responded honestly as he propped himself up to sit against the headboard of his bed and look at her.

"Again with this bullshit about him sitting with me at breakfast? We're just friends Draco." She sounded exasperated as she cocked her head to the side inquisitively, her eyes gleaming with concern.

"No, because he touched you." He growled quietly, his cheeks burning slightly with anger and embarrassment.

"He just put his arm around me, Harry does the same thing sometimes, so does Ron-"he cut her off.

"No Hermione, not because he put his arm around you. Because he touched you!" He shouted, the air around them was cracking with magic -his magic- again. "because he fucked you. Because he's allowed to sit with you at breakfast and invite you to Hogsmeade with him. Because he's been with you in ways I haven't, and it makes me want to tear his hands off at the wrist for ever getting to touch you and do all those things. It's one thing to ignore random blokes who leer at you from a distance, but you've had Nott, you know him in ways you don't know me. I'm jealous and I want to kill him -but I didn't really fancy Azkaban- so I settled for punching him a few times instead."

She took another deep breath as the ends of her hair started lifting again slightly. The look she gave him would probably have caused a more sensible man to back down from the staring contest the two were now engaged in; but despite being a Slytherin, his sense of self-preservation had expired long ago. So, he returned her narrowed angry gaze with one of his own until she audibly growled in fury.

"And that stunt you pulled in potions, that's what that was about? You think I ever let Theo pull shit like that?" She stood from her place on his bed and paced angrily towards the door, turning around to face him with a fierce look. "Because I don't, and I am right bloody pissed at you for ruining my knickers and I didn't even get to finish -which I haven't forgotten-. Theo and I had sex once Draco. Once! It meant nothing to either of us, so get that through your thick head already or I will put it there with my wand in ways you will not like." Her voice was steady and unnervingly calm. Draco had the good sense to realize that the witch was serious in her threats. "Now get up," she ordered sharply "you look like you walked out of a fucking horror movie still."

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