Chapter 12 - Amicita

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I know I haven't posted a chapter in a long time guys it was a crazy week with school. I am however on a break now so I'm going to try and get a bunch of chapters done while I have free time.

Thank you to everyone who votes and comments on my story - this is my first fic and I started it kind of impulsively so it makes my day that you folks like it!


It was low, even for Draco. Disgusting and depraved and if given the choice he would become bedmates with a vampire before he admitted he ever did it.

His morning routine usually consisted of a wank in the shower. He'd been doing it every day since he hit puberty -with the exception of his stint in Azkaban- and he'd always had the same routine of fantasies to help him along. A bleach blonde with big tits on her knees, a red-head with a tiny waist on her back, a strawberry blonde with toned legs straddling his lap, and so on. The issue was that lately, they were all brunettes with unruly curls and big brown eyes. They all had pouty pink lips and creamy caramel thighs. They were all Granger.

It was right in front of him on the shelf in the shower, and he'd been so engrossed in his thinking about how she might look bent over his potions table that he barely noticed when he picked it up and opened it. The smell of her vanilla shampoo flooded his senses as he imagined himself putting his face in the crook of her neck and biting, leaving his own mark where Theo had left his a few weeks ago. He came. Hard. In his hand and on the tile wall of the shower, he painted the proof of his sick and twisted fantasy about her.

He guiltily put the bottle back where he'd found it and washed the evidence of his actions down the drain before he finished his shower. It seemed harder to push down his desire for the witch now that she'd told him about the legillemency.

He truly believed her; nobody could so convincingly make up a story about that kind of torment. Plus, even if he wanted to doubt her genuineness, everything else that had been so different about her now than before the war made sense. The drinking, the pain potions she thought nobody knew about -not that many potions are pale blue, she's not the only person to get an O in potions class-, the skittish and erratic behaviour. She was a right mess and now he knew why.

The problem for him was, now that he didn't have paranoia to talk him off the edge, Draco found himself struggling to reason with his libido why he shouldn't pursue Granger. She'd been receptive to him both in the hallway and in the library, which confused him immensely. Wasn't she supposed to be married to the Weasel by now? Why was she so eager for him when they'd done nothing in the past seven years but hate each other?

Filing these problems into the questions I'll think about later when I'm woken up by nightmares and have nothing else to do until the sun rises folder, Draco stepped out of the shower and went about getting ready for the day.

Granger was already gone by the time he went to leave for the great hall, her shoes and school bag were gone from the entrance way already. It's completely normal for him to notice these things, they live together it would be weird if he didn't. He would be odd if he didn't wonder to himself what time she got up in the mornings if she always managed to be gone and out of the dorm by the time he came out of his room.

Theo was the only one of his friends at breakfast when Draco walked in, there was still an hour before class started and it seemed half the school was still in bed. From where he sat, he could see her sitting across the hall at the Hufflepuff table with others from the three other houses -all of whom he recognized from Dumbledore's Army-  whose names he'd never bothered to learn. He watched her smile at something a Ravenclaw boy said to her, the curls around her face bouncing as her shoulders shook slightly with laughter.

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