A Scandal In Belgravia (Part 1)

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You took one final deep breath, closed your eyes, and waited for Sherlock to pull the trigger...
But no shot rang out.
Instead, music began to play. Your eyebrows furrowed as you recognized the song to be "Stayin' Alive" by The Bee Gees. Everyone was confused except for Moriarty who just looked annoyed. He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"D'you mind if I get that?"

You could not believe it! After everything that had just happened, were you really going to be saved by a phone call?

"Oh no, please," Sherlock insisted. "You've got the rest of your life."

Moriarty pulled out his phone and angrily answered it. He held it to his ear. "Hello?"

You looked over at Sherlock, still quite confused about this whole ordeal.

"Yes, of course it is. What do you want?"

Jim turned to Sherlock and mouthed 'Sorry' to which Sherlock mouthed back 'Oh it's fine.' You then watched as Jim's eyes went wide and his face contorted in fury.

"SAY THAT AGAIN!" He shouted into the phone. He then regained his composure and spoke normally, "Say that again, and know that if you are lying to me, I will find you and I will ssssskin you."

Your eyes widened at that statement. A shiver ran down your spine.

"Wait," Jim said to the person on the other end of the line. He then lowered his phone and began to walk toward you all. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Sherlock nervously adjust his grip on the gun. Moriarty stopped just in front of the bomb jacket. He stared down at it thoughtfully and then looked up. "Sorry. Wrong day to die."

A feeling of relief washed through you, but wasn't enough to override the terror that kept you frozen in place.

"Oh," Sherlock said nonchalantly, "did you get a better offer?"

Jim looked down at his phone, frowned, and shrugged. "You'll be hearing from me, Sherlock."

The three of you watched as Jim walked away. He began talking into the phone again. "So, if you have what you say you have, I will make you rich. If you don't, I will make you into shoes."

Moriarty snapped his fingers, the sound echoing across the pool. Immediately, the red dots that had been drifting across your chest vanished, same for John and Sherlock. You let out a long breath and once again clung to Sherlock for support.

"What happened there?" John asked.

Sherlock, who was panting, turned to his friend and reached his arm around you to support you. "Someone changed his mind," He answered. "The question is: who?"


Days passed and soon those days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months. No word from Moriarty at all. John and Sherlock got client after client and, after every case, John would write about it in his blog.
Whenever you weren't working, you helped them with their cases. You found that you spent almost all of your free time with the detective duo.
The day was now May 30th. You sat at the dining table in the living room along with John. Sherlock stood at the opposite end, across from John, sipping coffee while flipping through the newspaper. John had his laptop in front of him, typing out his next blog story.

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