The Reichenbach Fall (Part 4)

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"Stop the cab!" Sherlock shouted.

The cabbie obeyed and pulled to the side of the road. Sherlock raced out of the vehicle and was at the driver's window in mere seconds, his mind occupied solely by the video he'd just watched in the cab.

"What was that?" He demanded.

The cabbie turned to look at his passenger. Sherlock was taken aback at the sight of Jim Moriarty—the consulting criminal himself—smiling at him.

"No charge," Jim said before pressing down on the gas pedal.

The cab pulled away from the curb. The detective tried to hold on to the vehicle; but, when that failed, he attempted to chase it down. He knew he wouldn't be fast enough and gave up rather quickly, staring angrily after the cab.
He was so caught up in the intensity of the last few moments that he didn't hear the sound of a car horn nor did he see the headlights that were rapidly approaching him from behind. The car would have run him over had not someone come to his aid.
He was pulled rather forcibly out of the street and back onto safe ground. Still wary from seeing Jim Moriarty, Sherlock prepared for the worst. He stood at arms length from the man who just saved his life. After a moment of silence, Sherlock came to realize that this stranger would do him no harm. He sighed and held out his hand.

"Thank you."

The man hesitantly shook Sherlock's hand. Barely a second later, three gunshots rang out and the mysterious stranger fell to the ground dead. Sherlock had stumbled back and was now breathing heavily, his adrenalin levels having skyrocketed.
A new cab pulled around the corner. Two figures emerged from inside and started running towards him.

"Sherlock!" Both you and John shouted his name.

You reached him first and immediately grabbed hold of him. You held tightly to his shoulders. Sherlock seemed forced to look at you.

"Are you okay?" You asked. "What happened?"

"I..." Sherlock worked some moisture into his mouth. "...I don't know." He looked down the street in the direction his cab had driven off. "Jim Moriarty was driving my cab."

You nodded. "I know. We know."

Sherlock turned back to you. "How?"

"Y/n saw him just as you drove off," John answered. "We already called the police. They should be on their way."

The consulting detective nodded. He looked at the dead man and felt his heart sink. Running a hand through his hair, he felt that he could not stand any longer. His legs gave out on him. Instinctively, you grabbed hold of him and helped him sit down safely on the curb. You sat right beside him and rubbed his back soothingly, hoping to calm him down. After a minute, you placed your hand on his cheek and turned his head towards you.

"Are you sure you're all right?" You questioned.

With his eyes locked on yours, Sherlock nodded once again. "Yes, y/n. I'm all right."

"Okay." You nodded along with his answer. "Now, tell me what happened."


Just a short time later, a couple police cars and an ambulance pulled up. As the paramedics rushed over to both Sherlock and the dead man, John finally took notice of the victim. He stepped up next to Sherlock while the paramedics wheeled the stranger to the ambulance on a stretcher.

"'s him. It's him," He said, panting slightly.

Your eyebrows furrowed. "Who?"

"Sulejmani or something," John answered. "Mycroft showed me his file. He's a big Albanian gangster lives two doors down from us."

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