🚨Author's Note:🚨

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Hi guys!

So, before you move on to the next chapter, I just wanted to make a semi-important announcement.

I have decided to skip The Hounds of Baskerville for this story. My reason behind this is simply that I could not think of a good plot line to go with that particular episode. I might, at some point, add it in but I think it would wind up having very little of the reader in the story. It would most likely just follow John and Sherlock, but I would still give Sherlock's thought process and have him think of the reader in certain situations.

But for now, I am skipping that episode and will be going straight to The Reichenbach Fall.

I just wanted to let you all know so that nobody is confused!

Thank you guys so much for reading my story! I love you all a crazy bunch! 😜💖


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