The Blind Banker (Part 1)

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You woke up to thumps coming from the flat above you.  You sat up in your bed, leaning your ear towards the door to listen more intensely.  You knew something was going on up the flight of stairs, but you weren't sure if you wanted to get up. That was when you heard something crash. You whipped off your covers, slipped your feet into the closest pair of shoes, grabbed your robe, and exited your flat.
You raced up the stairs, two steps at a time.  You opened the door to find Sherlock wrestling with another man. 
Sherlock was pressed against the table, while the other man was trying to dig a sword into his throat.  Sherlock held tightly onto the man's wrists keeping the sword away.
You rushed forward, knocking into the sword-wielder. This put him just off balance that Sherlock was able to knee him in the side. The man fell to the side, his sword slashing along the table, just barely missing Sherlock's throat.
The fight moved back into the living room. The attacker took a swing at both you and Sherlock. but you each ducked just in time. You backed up away from the fight when you saw Sherlock was handling it. He straightened up and then pointed over the man's shoulder.

"Look!"  He shouted. 

The man started to turn in that direction, momentarily distracted. Sherlock took advantage of this and swung a powerful uppercut to the man's chin. He fell over unconscious in Sherlock's armchair.
Sherlock sighed and then looked at himself in the mirror, checking his reflection. He straightened his jacket cuffs and dusted himself down. He then looked down at the unconscious man with disdain. Finding the situation handled, you turned to leave and began to walk out the door. 

"Thank you," Sherlock said. Startled you turned around to see him looking at you.

You smiled. "You're welcome."

He smiled back, as if happy that his complement did something. Which it kind of did. 

"Do you need any help?" You asked, nodding at the unconscious man.

Sherlock looked back at him and then nodded with a slight shrug. "I would definitely appreciate it."


John came up the stairs just as you had turned to head back to your flat. You nearly knocked him over.

"Oh, sorry John," You said stepping out of the way for him. 

"That's all right," He said. He walked into the living room and looked around at everything. 

"You took your time," Sherlock said not looking up from his book that he had opened a few seconds ago.

"Yeah. I didn't get the shopping," John told him. 

"What? Why not?" Sherlock asked looking up from his book. 

"Because I had a row in the shop with a chip-and-Pin machine," John answered rather angrily.

" had a row with a machine?" Sherlock asked. 

"Sort of. It sat there and I shouted abuse. Have you got cash?"  He asked. 

Sherlock tried his best to hold back his amusement and nodded towards the kitchen. Take my card."

John began to walk into the kitchen but stopped before he reached the table. "You could always go yourself, you know. You've been sitting there all morning. You've not even moved since I got here."

Sherlock stared at the floor for a moment, lost in thought.

"Oh no, he moved. I saw him." You said glancing at Sherlock who was, again, staring at you. "It was brief though."

John nodded and then looked back at Sherlock. "And what happened about that case you were offered the Jaria Diamond?" He asked.

"Not interested," Sherlock answered as he put a piece of paper in his book and shut it with a snap. 

You looked over at John who was rummaging through Sherlock's wallet looking for a card.  You then heard Sherlock slam his foot down and you looked over to see him sliding the sword underneath his chair, out of sight.  You smiled briefly before looking back at John. 

"I sent them a message," Sherlock said firmly. 

John finally picked a card to use and set the wallet down.  He glanced at the table, suddenly taking notice of the long narrow gouge in it.  He ran his finger across it trying to see if it was just a mark. "Ugh, Holmes," He said under his breath. 

He looked at Sherlock pointedly but Sherlock just shook his head innocently. John turned to leave the room and trutted down the steps as Sherlock smirked.

"I'm gonna go down to my room," You informed Sherlock. 

"Good," Sherlock said just quiet enough you couldn't quite understand it very well. 

"What?"  You asked turning back around. 

"What? Nothing," Sherlock said quickly. 

You squinted at him in suspicion before walking down the steps to your door, leaving Sherlock there staring after you with a confused look on his face. 


The front door opened, and you heard footsteps heading to the stairs. You opened yor door and saw John with his arms full of grocery bags. 

"Oh, here! Let me take some of those," You said pulling one or two off each of his arms. 

He sighed, relieved of a little less weight. "Thanks."

"No problem," You said and followed him up the rest of the stairs. You walked into the kitchen where Sherlock was reading an e-mail.  You set down your bags and looked over his shoulder. 

"Sebastian Wilkes. Friend of yours?" You asked him. 

Sherlock looked up a little angry at you for reading his e-mail, then looked back down at his laptop. "I don't have friends."

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Is that so?"

John then joined the two of you and realised what piece of equipment Sherlock was staring at. "Is that my computer?"  He asked. 

"Of course," Sherlock answered not even looking at him.


"Mine was in the bedroom."

"What, and you couldn't be bothered to get up?"

Sherlock didn't respond. 

"It's password protected!"  John yelled

"Took me less than a minute to guess yours.  Not exactly Fort Knox," Sherlock responded, glancing at him. 

"Right, thank you," John said slamming the laptop shut. He grabbed it and set it on the floor next to his armchair as he sat down. Sherlock clasped his hands in front of him in prayer position.
John picked up a pile of letters and sorted throught them.  "Oh," John said seeing one particular one. A bill needing urgent payment. "Need to get a job."

"Oh dull," Sherlock said. 

"Listen...umm if you'd be able to lend me some..." He trailed off seeing Sherlock lost in his own world.  "Sherlock, are you even listening?"

"I need to go to the bank," Sherlock responded. He stood up, grabbed his coat and began to walk out. 

"That's my que to leave," You said as he stood up. You started out the door. "I'll see you later then. Bye John."

"Bye," He called back after you. 

"You aren't coming?"  Sherlock shouted up the steps. 

"Not you!" John shouted back. 

A grin formed on your face as you walked back into your room and shut the door.

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