41 • Stupid Does

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I told Rico if Manny played with me I will kill both of them niggas. I don't care how long I have known Rico he vouched for Manny ass, over and fucking over again. I warned these niggas too many times.

I watched Manny ass shoot at my fucking truck. I watched this nigga look me in the face shooting at us.

Bricks would have been shot dead if I didn't crash and covered her. He fucking tired me.

"Where the hell are you going?" Jade asked as I was trying to get dressed.

"To kill Manny" I replied.

"No, you just got shot up not even twenty hours ago, Ocean just stop and rest, your bleeding throughout your damn bandages" she pointed making me look down.

"I've been hurt worse, I am about to rip his fucking head off with my hands" I said.

"Okay. If you step a foot out of that door I swear to god, I will leave you Ocean. I will be done with your ass for good" she threatening me.

"I will kill you, so no you won't" I replied.

"Try me? Ocean, just try me" she said and I can tell she was being truthful.

"I want Manny found" I said.

"I don't work for your ass, and Bricks needs to heal and rest as well. You all just stole like ten billion dollars worth of cash and gold, you need to lay low."

"He, Nore is going to have people all over the city looking for you both. Just relax Manny gone go back to Nore. So you know where he is" she added.

"Fine, alright. Where is Bricks?" I asked as Jade helped me back into the bed.

"Ali drove her home, where she met Jiya. Which Jiya works for me at the store, and Bricks is dating Jiya?" She asked.

"Yup" I said.

"Bricks is fucking Ali" Jade said.

"I know" I said.

"Why you letting Bricks do that to Ali and Jiya? Messing with both of their emotions" she said.

"How am I letting a grown ass women do what she gone do?" I asked.

"That's your friend and your cousin."

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