27 • Myself

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Things have been doing okay for me lately. I mean if you must know, yes I did beat the shit out of Bricks ex girl. Well I am in the process of changing my ways. My therapist she helps and pisses me the fuck off, but I will fucking say that calming meditation shit truly works, breathing exercises and all. Shit is cool.

"Okay Queen get your foot off of his damn neck" Bricks said. 

I just beat the shit out of this dude because he ran into my office and pulled a knife on because of some nigga told him he would be able to take my spot. Like what? What is wrong with niggas. Like do they not realize who the fuck I am?

"Tell whoever the fuck gave you that shitty ass info that you niggas got me fucked up on a serious note" I stated wiping the blood off my Gucci black boot.

"You sure that shit working?" Bricks laughed as they dragged that nigga out of my fucking office. 

"Yes, the little nigga ain't dead is he?" I asked. 

"Point taken blood" she laughed sitting down. 

"Aye blood?" Brian said. 

"What's good?" I said. 

"Lauren says she needs to speak to you? Aye I am not sure why she just showed up here" he said. 

"Okay well just let the bitch in" I said a sat back down at my desk.

Okay, stop asking me shit. I haven't spoken to Jade, I don't want to speak to Jade. I can careless about what Jade has going on with her life. It don't matter to me no more, as long as no one brings her up I don't have to think about her ass. She stay where she is and I stay where I am. 

"Hi I didn't come to bother you. I just came to tell my side and happened, and everything" Lauren said soon as she got in my office. 

"Close the door Brian" I said and he did leaving himself, me, and Bricks alone with Lauren.

"Speak" I said I said as I put my prescription glasses on, that I normally don't wear. 

"I only fought Jade beca..."

"Yeah I don't give a fuck..."

"Ocean you need to hear her out" Bricks said. 

"Fine, talk" I said.

"Jesus had told me, that she was going around telling everyone that I was sleeping with you for money. That I was stealing from you, then she just kept talking shit but every time I seen her she never said nothing to me, so I was fed up when I had seen her. Like I don't want to date you, I am not into you like that, I would never fucking steal from you" she said, and I looked over to Bricks and she just nodded her head. 

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