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"Chapter eleven"

Time skip 2 months later

You and Suna have become close friends? You didn't even know at this point to be fair. You'd always hang out together, sometimes Ari and Akaashi would tag along and then the next day you guys hate eachother. It didn't really make sense to you on why you guys get on eachother's nerves so easily.

You were sitting on your bedroom window smoking looking out to the sky. It was cloudy amd humid. You sighed throwing your head back on the wall. You were kinda sad you haven't spoken to Suna in what? Like 3 or 4 days. He'd either leave you on delivered or reply with really dry messages like k or lmao.

You jumped off your windowsill throwing the used blunt in some bushes outside. You decided to try and text Suna and see what he's up to.


Y/n: heyy Suna what u up tooo?

Delivered 1m ago

You sighed knowing he'll probably air you or answer 6 hours later. You thought you guys were actually becoming pretty close helping your feelings for Suna.

By now, you don't even know what you and Suna are. Friends? Enemies? Lovers? Mutual s? Your mind was overflown with those thoughts when someone barges into your room.

"Yes?" You ask looking up at your cousin.

"Someone's here to see you" Atsumu replied giving you a genuine smile. I wonder what's that about and who is it? Suna?

You look up to see your cousin already gone but you see a tall figure walk in to your room.

"EITA" you squealed jumping from your bed tackling Semi into a big hug.

"What are you doing here?! Anyways I missed you so much!" You yelled with your hands wrapped around his neck as he laughed at you while swaying you guys side to side.

You and Semi are close. It doesn't really seem like it to others but you guys knew a lot about eachother. Him now being here, you realised how much you've missed him.

"Hey I missed you too bubs" he said finally letting go of you giving you a grin. You playfully smacked his arm and walked over to your chair at your desk. You slumped in it looking over at Semi you was leaning on your wall hands in his pockets.

"So how have you been holding up? Have you talked to your parents?" He questions as you shuffle around in your seat. You started fiddling with your fingers and bouncing your right knee up and down. Semi noticed and walked over to you and pulled you into a full embrace.

"I haven't spoken to them since I've moved here" you mumbled into the crook of his neck. "But I don't think they would even want to talk to me, I'm such a disgrace" you say. Faint sobs start to escape your mouth.

Semi slowly rubbed your back telling you it'll be okay. "Hey don't say that, they're your parents Y/n, you guys might not be on good terms or anything but know they love you, you're their daughter after all" you smiled hearing those words from Semi. You never really open up to anyone because you don't want it to seem like it's for attention. Semi always would say how it's okay to let your feelings out and rant but you just kept your emotions to yourself. You know you could trust Semi.

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