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"Chapter sixteen"

You guys were still at the training camp in Tokyo. You are the team's manager now which is great but of course, something terrible had to be added to that. You weren't the only manager. Aika was too. The sad thing was she was only there for Suna of course. That bitch had the audacity to cheat but however, she still followed Suna around like a lost puppy acting as if we you aren't in a relationship.

The boys were now on the court practising you assumed as you were walking back from filling up their water bottles. You idly roamed the long hallways of Shiratorizawa thinking back to all the memories you've made here. You purposely took a longer route which made you come back to the gym after quite a while.

You used your foot to open the door as you held the crate with the water bottles in both of your hands.

"TARAZI WHAT TOOK YOU SO DAMN LONG!?" You flinched nearly causing you to drop the water. You were startled at the voice of Inarizaki's coach. His eyes glared your way as you bowed quickly handing out the water bottles to the sweaty boys.

You were gonna give the last bottle to Suna when Aika snatched the bottle out of your hand kissing her teeth. "I'll give this to him, you should go apologise to the coach before you'll lose this job sweetie," she said shooting you the fakest grin before sassily making her way to YOUR boyfriend.

You gritted your teeth and clenched your fists fully aware she was trying to get in between you two. You took a deep breath and sat on the bench. You sighed scrolling through your phone when you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You turned your head to see a tall, ash blond-haired boy staring down at you.

"Hey Semi" you greeted him patting the seat next to you making him sit down.

"You seem down what's up?" he inquired with a worried look spread across his face.

"Its nothing, Aika is just being a bitch again" you laughed it off.

He groaned throwing his head back on the wall. He ran his fingers through his hair and sat up again. "How are you and Suna?"

You furrowed your eyebrows thinking of an answer. "We're good but Aika has been trying to get to him" you retorted pointing at the girl who was trying to start a conversation with Suna who was just practically ignoring her by scrolling through his phone.

"Who does she think she is," semi remarked causing you to chuckle.

"I know right?" you reacted sending her an unsettling gaze as she watched you interact with Semi. You watched as she got close to Suna whispering something in his ear. You shrugged it off and continued to talk with Semi.

Little did you know, Suna listened to Aika's doubtful words and looked up to see you laughing with Semi. His mind was filled with jealousy as he watched you guys showing each other stuff on your phones.

It has only been couple days since Suna officially made you his girlfriend and it's already leading to problems. The amount of times you guys fought and argued even when you were friends made some people surprised you guys even got in a relationship.

Time skip to the end of the training camp (4 days later)

"I'll miss youuu" you clinged onto Mattsun's and Makki's arms.

"We'll miss you too hehe" they replied patting your head. Your lips curved into a smile and you gave them a little wave to which they returned a small one back. You made your way to Bokuto and Kuroo jumping on them.

"GAAHHHH" they screamed trying to shake you off as you jumped off their backs.

"Surprise shawty" you waved as they sighed in relief.

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