Chapter 9

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I woke to the sound of beeping and the scent of medicine. I immediately knew where I was and to say I was scared was an understatement. I was extremely scared, I hated hospitals. The only thing that hospitals did was remind me of the past, of the lost and the pain. I started to panic, the beeping got louder and I started to cry. I felt arms engulf me and I heard a concerned voice.

" Calmati Amore mio" Brando said. I didn't understand a thing he said but it was still soothing.

"Where am I" I finally said. Although I already knew but I needed confirmation.

"You are in the hospital Bella" Abby says

" You were out for two days forte" Says Andriano. Two days. How. I have been out for two days. Was I that emotionally drained to be knocked out for Two days.

"Oh" was the only thing I said.

" I am going to call the doctor to check on you," Andriana says. It dawned on me that they were all here and I wondered why. It's not that I didn't feel warm and happy that they were here. I just didn't understand based on the fact that I wasn't related to them and they just met me. How could they be so caring.

"Okay" I say. The doctors came in and checked me over and advised me that I would be able to be released tomorrow. It was now Tuesday which means I would have missed two days of work plus tomorrow that would be three days in total. I was now freaking out. I turned to Abby.

" Abby " I say in a very small voice.

" Yes Bella" she says

" I have already missed two days of work and tomorrow will make three plus school" I say again in that same small voice.

" It's okay Bella, Brando already took care of that and we already got your notes from your classmates. It seems like you are well liked Bella, some came and visited and dropped off the notes when they heard you were in the hospital". I looked at Brando, what does she mean by he already took care of it.

" Thank you" I say to both of them. Feeling a little timid. As I laid there I started to remember the whole episode of yesterday. The memories became even more fresh. I had tried so hard to put it in the back of my mind. But yesterday reminded me of something and that was I was still extremely scared. The mere fact that they were yet to catch any of the two men always taunted me. I behave upbeat and strong all the time but in reality I was always looking back. Always afraid that one day they will find me that I will be returned to that prison. Whenever my family called to check on me I would always tell them I was okay. For my own safety my Uncles decided not to let anyone know that I was back in the states so all my other family members thought I was still in London. I was quite fine with that because as much as I loved my family I was still not sure they wouldn't let it slip to someone it shouldn't.

" How are you feeling Bella?" Abby asked. I looked at her closely and realized that her eyes were red which means at some point she was crying, I shifted my gaze and looked at Andriana and saw that her eyes were red too. They were both crying before but why.

" I am okay Abby" I say. I know they had a lot of questions but I was not ready. I did not want to have to answer the questions anymore. When I had first awoken from the coma there were a lot of questions. My family wanted to know everything and I just didn't know how to answer. I blamed myself for so long. Thinking that it was my fault maybe if I were a better daughter then maybe my dad would have traded us. It took three years of therapy to understand that it was not my fault that this was all my dad. That he was and will always be a coward. That he cared for no one but himself. He damaged me. He damaged my mother. No he killed her.

A/N   "Calmati Amore mio" translate to "Calm down my love"

"forte "  translate to " strong one"

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