Chapter 3

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We continued to walk inside and Abby stuck close to me holding my hands and maneuvered us throughout the crowd. She steered us to an outside backyard that has a huge pool and some designer chairs and tables. Below that is a little seating area that had a huge U shaped couch. It looked extremely inviting mostly because there was no one there. We continue walking until we reach a table that has 6 other people.

" Hey guys" I hear Abby says, I am guessing these are her family members that she has been dying to introduce me to. She gives my hand a light squeeze I guess trying to calm me. They all turn to us and give a smile. Well everyone except two females who looked at me like I am enemy number 1. I smiled in my mind like allow me a few minutes before you actually give the glare, like damn.

" Hey Abby" I hear one of the guys say and gets up to hug her. The other guy at the table gets up and hugs her too but says nothing instead looks at me like I am his next meal. Not that I would mind if I was. Can I tell you this guy was beyond gorgeous. Come on guys don't say its a guy so you can't say gorgeous you have to say hot or handsome but believe me when I say Gorgeous is the right word he looked like he came out of those movies where you see the demigods. Like damn. I took my eyes off him and looked at the next person that hugged Abby which was one of the females, she also didn't say anything. Guess they are the silent rivers. Get it get it, no okay I will keep my jokes to myself then.

" Guys this is my friend Keymoy but please call her Key" I hear Abby says.

" Hey" I say to them with a smile trying to calm myself.

Abby turns to me and introduces them one by one.

" Key these are my cousins Andriano and Andrina" she says pointing to the first guy and the female that hugged her. Then she turns to the second guy and says " and this is my brother Brando"

" Nice to meet you all" I say

To my surprise both her cousins came over and hugged me.

"Finally" Adriano says, " we almost thought you were avoiding us", he starts to laugh and I am not going to lie, his laugh was very comforting. The sound felt like a brother hugging his beloved sister. Wow so i feel sounds now must be my new super power. Hehehe

He turns around and introduces me to a female that was sitting beside him, not the glaring ones. " this is my girlfriend Cynthia" He says

I say hi and she returns a hi too. Although she isn't glaring at me I can feel the negative energy from her and I knew we weren't going to be friends.

Andriana came nearer to me and whispered in my ear " don't mind her she is just a moment", not going to lie I laughed, I didn't mean to but that was funny. Although the others didn't hear Abby did based on how close she was to me and she laughed too.

"What's so funny?" one of the glaring females said.

" Clearly you weren't supposed to hear" Abby said, sounding extremely annoyed. I looked at her with a look on my face that said "what was that''. She just turned her attention back to her brother. As I stood there I realized that no one introduced the glaring females and seeing that they didn't, I didn't bother to ask. I guess we were ignoring them. Lol let the party begin.

I noticed that while Abby was talking to her brother, he was still looking at me like a predator to their prey. My mind must be screwed up because instead of being scared I was hella turned on. What the hell that's not like me. Key get your shit together. I immediately turned my attention to Andriana.

" So where are you from Key" Adriana says

" I am from California but moved to New York about a year a go" I say

" California " Andriano says, " So why did you move to New York?"

I readied myself with my usual half lie half truth. " I was in the market for a new job and there was one here that was very appealing and it worked well with the fact that I was going to finish my university degree here" Don't get me wrong everything I said was true but the reason behind it was not. I only moved to New York because of the incident but I did look for a job first and I did transfer to a New York university. But if it wasn't for the incident then I would not be here and that is a fact I would still be in California and my mom would still be alive. I felt my heart break and a small whimper left my mouth before I could compose myself. Shit I hope nobody heard me.

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