Chapter 1

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My impression of what my life was supposed to be like was a little muddy at the moment. I had a plan. At the age of 25, I was supposed to be married, have at least two kids, have a great degree, and live my best life. So how do I find myself here? I am currently 27, still working on my degree, and single as hell. Don't get me wrong, I would not say that I am completely off the mark, and based on the circumstances, I think I should be proud of myself, seeing how far I have come.

" Key, where are you?" I hear my roommate and best friend calling and dragging me out of my thoughts.

Yes, she said, "Key." My full name is Keymoy, and I think my parents were on something when they gave me that name, or I hope they were on something.

" I am in my room Abby" I call out

"There you are," Abby says.

"What's up?," I asked

" I want you to come to a party with me, and my cousin is hosting, so you can't say no," She says

If it is one thing everybody knows about me, that is I hate parties, no let me elaborate on that I hate crowds. Any place that will possibly have a group I will hate. I have known Abby for a year now, and this was something that she quickly learned about me, so the fact that she is asking me to come to a party with her means she is desperate.

" Abby, you know I hate parties. Why are you even asking?" I say

' Please, Please, Bella Bella," She says

This is serious. The fact that she has started resorting to her native language means that she is up to something. Fun fact everyone, Abby is half Italian, half Russian, and half American. The combination sometimes confuses me, and I usually tease her that she is 150 mix. Get it, get it. Okay, maybe you didn't. Anyhoo, once she diverges to one of her other languages, it means she is either angry, sad, or is being sneaky, and at the moment, if I had to guess, she was being sneaky.

"Fine, but I won't be staying long," I say. But, sue me, I am curious. I hope curiosity doesn't kill the cat.

I noticed Abby has been trying to introduce me to her family for a while now, mainly her cousins and brother. Her brother is the main one on the list. I thought it was weird, but I was usually always never around when her family came about. I was either stuck at work or school when they came by. One would think I was avoiding them, but this was not the case in all honesty. I would be at work and about to leave, and my boss would appear out of nowhere saying he needs me to do overtime to help with some project, or I would be in class about to wrap up when one of my teachers decides that they need to go over something we learned as they believe we didn't get the concept. By the time I reach home, they will be gone. As much as I thought it was weird, though, I wanted to meet them, and I could see the disappointment on Abby's face each time I came back late. I think that is part of the reason I was breaking my crowd phobia to go with her to this party, well, and the fact, as I already told you, I was curious as to what she was trying to accomplish tonight. 

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