Chapter 8

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" I am sorry about that" I said in a low voice " Just memories"

Abby walked over and hugged me, " I don't want to pry but I think you need to talk about it" she said in a concern tone.

" Yeah I know" I said almost inaudible but they all still heard, they waited for me to talk.

" Firstly, Abby I am sorry I kept this from you, it was never my intention I was just scared" I say, she continued to look at me. I continued

" The reason I came to New York was because I was running" I said

" What do you mean" she said

I continued , " about four years ago my parents and I were kidnapped, they were a few of my dad's associates." My dad was someone that loved to brag, which some people would have been fine with but I never understood why, we had nothing, we were ordinary folks barely meeting the necessary needs. But he still needed to brag. The house we lived in was my uncle's house and the only reason we had it was because my uncle was fond of his sister and my mom. Majority of my mom's family did not like my dad. Hell my dad's family didn't like him. Both sides always warned my mom that she made a mistake being with my dad. Looking back now I can't disagree. My father and I never had a great relationship. One day he took me on one of his so called business meetings and tried to sell me during a gambling session. Luckily the persons there were not as disgusting as he was and told him to leave and that they would call the police if they heard him say that again. That didn't stop him from gambling and continuously trying to use me and my mom as collateral. I found out that he was also beating my mom whenever he lost as a way to take out his frustration.

I continued my story " My dad owed a lot of money and they came to collect, he pleaded with them and told them that they could have my mother and myself if they let him live" I let out a disgusted snort trying my best not to start crying. Abby held my hand and slowly rubbed it to help me through the process. " We were there for what felt like forever after a while the abuse started" At first I really didn't care cause I had made up my mind that they were going to kill us but nothing prepared me for what was going to happen. " They raped my mom in front of me and each time that I would cry they would beat me" I stopped for a moment remembering how broken my mom looked as they took turns raping her. " There was about 5 of them and they all took turns day after day raping my mom and then beat me" , tears started running down my cheeks '' She died after two weeks'' , I drew in a breath, "it was then my turn but I wasn't raped by all just their leader, after which I was beaten'' Abby and Andriana started crying while Andriano looked lost but Brando looked like he was about to kill someone. The next words out of my mouth shocked them all. " My dad is still alive, they took his offer" I let out a senile laugh. That asshole traded his family for another day of freedom. " After they let him free he did not attempt to get help he left us to die" I paused again and they allowed me to take my time in telling the story. " After being there for another week being raped and beaten I was rescued by the cops, they stated that a young lady called them. She told them she has been hearing screaming coming from the house next door, well that's what they told me after I woke up, I was in a coma for three months. The doctors told me I had several broken ribs and had internal bleeding but none of my organs were damaged. The cops said they have yet to find my dad but was advised by my neighbor that they saw him in the morning before they came. They figured that he had run. After I left the hospital I went to live with my uncle. The police stated that they caught all the men except the leader. He showed up about 3 months after I left the hospital. He smiled at me like we were friends" I stopped again and took a breath. This time Brando took me in his hands and sat with me on his lap. The comfort that came over me was unexplainable. I felt safe. I continued " I immediately called the detective that was working on my case. By the time they got there he was nowhere to be found, My uncle stated that he needed me to leave, he needed me to be safe. By this time both sides of my family knew about what happened and to say they were furious was an understatement. Both sides of the family wanted my dad dead. One of my other uncles who lived in London wanted me to come live with him. I had no choice but to go there. I stayed for 3 years with my uncle during which time I had to go to therapy. My dad and that leader have yet to be caught, I had paused school for the first two years and only started back in the third year. After the third year there I decided I wanted to return to the state. My appearance had changed a little plus I had dyed my hair. I was confident that these few aspects would prevent them from recognizing me if it came to it. I didn't move back to California though I moved here, I ensured that I got a job and enrolled into school before I even made the final decision to move here. I also looked for a room. I was originally going to get a room for myself but when I came and met you I was drawn to you Abby I felt like I could trust you and you haven't proven me otherwise, I am sorry I never told you" She sat beside us and hugged me. " Oh honey I understand," she said. Brando was slowly stroking my hair. " And here I am, my anxiety for crowds came from that incident, I always feel like I am trapped when too many people are around me" At some point my tears stopped. I had no more tears and overall I had no more strength so I finally succumbed to the darkness and blacked out.

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