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Ziggy really missed her family.

Ziggy missed the late night talks with Bella, the morning herbal tea's with Charlie and eating dinner at the diner. Ziggy couldn't come to terms with never having a taco ever again, needing the taste of blood was all that she could devour.

Ziggy was really hoping she could see Bella and Charlie sometime soon, but to keep them safe she needed to stay away.

Ziggy also realised that she would never sleep again, but Alice helped Ziggy during the nights, picking outfits for the next day, reading magazines and doing different hairstyles on each other.

Ziggy was sitting in the living room with Emmett who was playing his video game which he was terrible at, hitting Ziggy with a pillow everytime she laughed at him. Alice stepped into the room but froze as she felt her vision turn cloudy and soon a image flowed threw her mind.

“alice? what is it?” Ziggy asked getting up and walking over to Alice who was stuck in her vision.

“it's Bella..” Alice said, Ziggy immediately sat Alice down.

“what's happened to Bella, Alice?”

“she tried to kill herself.” Alice said, Ziggy jumped up off the seat.

“what do you mean kill herself?”

“she just openly jumped off a cliff.. I can't see her in my vision anymore.” Alice said.

“we have to go check on her!” Ziggy panicked as she rushed around the house.

“ziggy, you can't come .. you aren't use to human blood.” Alice said.

“alice, this is my sister we are talking about, I just want to make sure she's okay.” Ziggy said, Alice sighed while she followed Ziggy out of the house.

“just if you think you can't control your thirst, just tell me and we will leave.” Alice said getting into her car and speeding off down the road.

“why would she do this?” Ziggy said as Alice drove into the tiny town, parking the car out the front of the house. Ziggy got out of the car, following Alice as they checked inside the house for any sign of Bella, when the front door opened and closed.

bella turned the light on and turned to face Alice, she jumped in fright.

“alice?” Bella shockingly asked as she wrapped her arms around Alice. “i'm sorry, it's just I can't believe you're here..”

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