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Ziggy was laying in the grass, looking up at the trees that towered over Ziggy, swaying slowly with the wind.

Ziggy heard a twig snap and she quickly sat up and looked behind her seeing Jasper stepping towards Ziggy who let out a frightened breath she was holding onto.

"Sorry, darling -- didn't mean to scare you." Jasper said holding his hands up. "Just checking to see if you were alright."

Ziggy smiled and began to pick at the grass between her fingers.

"Oh, i'm fine Jasper -- just wanted to get out and breath some fresh air." Ziggy said looking up at Jasper who towered over her.

"That's fair enough." Jasper said. "Do you mind if I join you?"

"I would love you too." Ziggy said as Jasper nodded and took a seat next to Ziggy.

"You know, you are really hard to figure out." Jasper said making Ziggy look over at him.

"How so, Jasper?" Ziggy asked.

"You just seem so isolated from the world, always in your own world -- I just wondered why, darling?" Jasper asked very eager to know the answer.

"Um--." Ziggy started, picking at a blade of grass. "The world is a hard place for me to want to associate with .. I've had some bad things happen to me in the past and i'm just very cautious of what it will throw at me next." Ziggy said clearing her throat.

"I don't think I can handle anything else."

"Darling — I'm so sorry that I made you upset but mostly i'm sorry that the world has been so cruel to you .. I can agree it has it's dark moments." Jasper said trying to catch Ziggy's eye contact, he could feel her emotions and he wasn't happy she was feeling the way she was — she didn't deserve to be hurt so badly that she can't trust anyone walking into her life — or maybe she was so isolated that nobody saw her true deep feelings -- and it was breaking Jasper's frozen heart because he was really the only person who could.

"Charlie and Carlisle have really helped me and made me think that my past -- even though it's always going to follow me -- shouldn't effect my future .. But I can't even look forward to tomorrow -- it seems easy when the two people who know me the best tell me that moving forward might be best .. But my past always ends up pulling me back and I can't ever move forward." Ziggy said as her vision started to become blurry.

"Ziggy .. let's talk about something else.." Jasper said not wanting to see Ziggy cry — he couldn't possibly handle feeling her emotions and seeing them falling down her beautiful face. "Do you like living with Charlie?"

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