⇑ Entry 2 ⇑

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Dear Diary,

I'm in class right now.

I'm in English. I would hate English class if I didn't share it with Manu.

English and P.E. would usually be my least favorites. But I share them with Manu, so they're the ones I look forward to the most.

Strange how that works out.

I'm writing this as a distraction.

I'm trying not to stare at Manu, but he's just so pretty.

He has dirty blonde hair, that's sometimes a halo of curls, sometimes a messy bed head.

He has shining eyes, showing off the warm brown. I noticed flecks of gold in them not long ago.

He has dimples too. Everyone loves dimples. I only like them on him.

He has light freckles across his nose and scattered across his shoulders. His freckles are gentle sun kisses spread to make him look gorgeous.

It worked. I'm infatuated with his beauty.

He's talking to his friend. He doesn't notice me. 

He never does.

I'm invisible. Like a ghost. A gust of wind coming from an open window.

Nothing more. 

He is the sun. Shining and glowing. The center of attention. 

Hot too.

I have to go, class has ended.

Have a good life.



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