End pt1

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❀ There are a few great souls in my life. They are not many. They are few. You are one

As the he continued to "date" Fuu he was falling more in love with Sayuri he tried to get over her but everything he does doesn't work
He can tell Fuu feels the same with her boy
It's taking physical mental strain on them

Naruto and Fuu was having meeting with their management to see if they give them back after while discussion they all agreed that they'll both get 2 month vocation starting tomorrow
•that night•
Naruto was his room packing purchased his plane ticket for early tomorrow Fuu called him saying she'll be leaving leaving Early tomorrow too

•Arriving Konoha •
When Naruto arrived home he was greeted by his parents hugs Gaara Kurma pat the back

After Couple days being stuck at home he got bored decided to mall shop by himself

Little later after he entered multiple stores buying outfits for himself and his family he decided to take lunch break when he finished eating walking for bit he bumped into someone

"I'm sorry I didn't see you there"  he said bowing down respectfully when he made eye contact with the person he realized that it was Sayuri

The air around him felt  awkward he felt like he couldn't breath  after few seconds past Sayuri spoke

"....Naruto is that you"

"...Hello Sayuri-Chan yeah it's me"

"...Naruto-kun I just wanna sa-"
Sayuri got interrupted by fan who asked for Naruto autograph picture

Sayuri invited Naruto to come over to her house which he agreed

That's where he met Sayuri daughter Sarada 

"Is she really just friend"
Sayuri asked he knew she was talking about Fuu

"It's complicated" he sighed

"How so" she asked

"I can't talk about it" he said avoid eye contact with her

"Please look at me" she pleaded but to no avail

"I shouldn't be here" he said standing planning to leave but sayuri stopped him

"Please look at me" she pleaded again but to no avail

Sayuri sighed her eyes getting watery

"I know what I do to you high school was wrong I regret everyday the guilt eats me alive every single fucken day I know apologizing to you won't erase the mistake but believe me when I say this I changed I'm no longer that girl"

" I want to  believe you I do but I can't"

After while talking he agreed to starting fresh with her baby step , right ?

{with Fuu}

Fuu family threw her a family reunion party everyone came including Takashi

Fuu was the front porch of the house far away from her family she watch the leaves blow when she saw shadow behind her when she looked back Takashi was there he moved next to her he gave her faint smile

It was quite for bit when he spoke

"You look beautiful today Fuu" he said

"Thank you Takashi-kun"



"I just want to apologize for what I said to you when you were the hospital bed after the accident with your dad I know I'm such douchebag but I was wondering if we can be friends again I missing having my best friend with me"

"Takashi-kun please don't do this here" she said getting emotional

"I swear I'll do things differently please Fuu give me second chance"
Which she did

But what Fuu Naruto both forgot is to look out for paparazzi now there pictures of Takashi Fuu being together
And Sayuri Naruto being together both their managements flew them back to their building telling them to stop talking to Sayuri takashi or they'll be both let go when they both refused they were let go

After the accident The truth came out public Naruto Fuu still stayed friends
Even tho they're trying repair the relationship between Sayuri Takashi it's looking good for the two couple it'll take some time to heal but Fuu is happy with her best friend/ now boyfriend

Naruto is happy with his prom queen

Author note :
Hey y'all the story has two endings so the next one well be posted in few seconds

This one is were naruto ends up with Sayuri the next one he ends up with Fuu

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