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☩ he broke his own heart holding onto her

                             {Sayuri p•o•v)
It has been 2 weeks since the prom accident naruto has barley showed if he has shown up he's wearing baggy clothes the nerdy clothes has vanished his sparkling baby blue eyes he had also disappeared it is now dark blue eyes looks so empty sad Sayuri knows it's because of her

It was normal morning the Uchiha  household  Mikoto in the kitchen cooking and Fugaku getting ready for his police job
Itachi getting ready for his college classes
There's Sayuri still stuck in bed

"Sayuri get up please sweetie or you'll be late for school," my mom said as I rolled my eyes but got up Anyways I brushed my teeth curled my hair bit put on mini-skirt crop top high-knee sock the school shoes 
Walked downs stair where my father and Itachi walked out the door without saying anything I sighed they're very apathetic 
"good morning mom little Sasuke "
I greeted them both as I started eating pancakes
"hi Sayuri can you please take Sasuke to his school I would take him but I gotta leave for doctor appointment"
I groaned but nodded anyways
"Sure come on Sasuke," I said as got Sasuke hand his backpack walkout starting walking
                         [15 minutes later]
"you can walk all the way in right Sasuke see ya" I was about to walk away when Sasuke grabbed my hand shook his head
"grown-up has to sign me in"
I checked my phone read 7:20 Am I grabbed his hand walked him inside
After signing him in I softly ruffled his hair walked out
As I walked out my eyes widened I saw Naruto older brother Kurama their adopted brother Gaara I quickly walked away so I can't be seen but what she didn't know was Kurama already saw her when she walked in with her brother

                           (Time: 7:40am)
I looked at my phone saw I was still early for school I quickly went to my locker were my "friends" were waiting we softly greeted each other after minutes Kiba and his friends came we talked few minutes when we all saw Naruto his parents  walk-in
Minato whispered something his ear   Naruto nodded back in response Minato patted his back Kushina gave him quick hug before leaving

Naruto was about to walk past by us till Kiba stretched his legs out to trip him but naruto moved to the side he kept going till Kiba interrupted him

"calm back here you stupid Nerd"
But Naruto didn't listen kept walking away

"oh I get it you're jealous that I'm prom king  I stole your little crush from you huh" he taunt him

Naruto stopped walk turned his head to the side so he was looking at them
" I'm Not Jealous" with that he turned back around walked away

" dammit nerd come back here let me hit you"
But Naruto ignored him again that pissed of Kiba ran behind him he was about to punch naruto but naruto moved away the right time kiba punched the air instead
Naruto looked at him
"you think I'm dumb enough to fall for that stupid move"
Kiba growled at him tried to punch him again but once again naruto moved Kiba missed
Naruto turned around looked at Sayuri which surprised her

"can you please put your demon on leash  thanks now if you excuse me I have a class to attend" naruto successfully left without any interruption

Sayuri went grabbed kiba hand dragged him away

"I'm sorry Naruto"

                                         [Naruto P.o.v]


"Alright that's all for today class  I hope you have beautiful day today be careful"

As Naruto was waiting outside the Principle office he caught glance of Sayuri and kiba kissing each other he felt disgusting feeling his stomach
After few second he felt tap his shoulder he turned around saw his dad mom

"Hi mom dad ready to go" Naruto  asked as he made his way to the parking lot but his mom stopped him

"Sorry Naruto but we'll have to stay bit longer we're having last minute staff meeting can you please pick up Gaara"

"Why can't Kurama or aunt Tsunade   do that" Naruto said Irritated

"Because your brother is working aunt tsunade has other things to do Naruto so do it that's a command we'll bring food after we finish here"

"Fine" Naruto grumbled walked away



It was 3:16 pm when Naruto arrived in konoha elementary school

'Ugh finally I arrived' he thought as he walked inside

When he arrived inside Gaara classroom
He saw him playing with his friends he quickly signed his name the paper walked beside his aunt

"Hi auntie Tsunade" Naruto greeted which return Naruto got  suffocating hug from his aunt when she let her go he gasped for air

"Naruto sweetie hello here to pick up Gaara" she asked he nodded return
Tsunade called out Gaara name when he turned around he smiled when he saw Naruto he quickly said goodbye to his friends got his backpack ran up to him grabbed his hand
They both said goodbye to Tsunade
As they were walking out the building Gaara talked about his day what he did in school Naruto nodding time to time
But he couldn't shake off the feeling someone was staring at him

🕖: 7:00pm

It was dinner time the Uzumaki household today
Kushina Minato brought home food as they promised

Was Onigiri , soba and sushi

After few minutes of eating Kurama turned to Naruto

"The music record company wants to meet you and start making music with you can you meet them this Saturday" he asked
Naruto nodded at him
Minato spoke up
"I personally don't think this is great idea naruto what if you don't do good I think you should graduate High school go college pick great money making career"
Naruto looked down

"If you don't wanna believe in me that's fine dad but please don't tell me I won't be successful I wanna do this I'm tired being the outcast"
Naruto got up from the dinner table went to his room
He couldn't wait for Saturday

Hello everyone I hope everyone is staying safe healthy

Please wear mouth mask practice social distancing
please stay healthy c:

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