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☃︎ Thantophobia
(n.) the phobia of losing someone you love
.                         •day of prom•
{Naruto p.o.v}

Today was Saturday was prom day the Namikaze/Uzumaki family were getting ready
Kushina went to the mall with her sister Mito Uzumaki get ready
Minato took the boys to get their suits ready
Naruto felt so happy today is the day Sayuri will agree to go on date with him
Kurama was busy texting Shukaku if he got everything prepared since he has feelings how tonight is gonna go down
Gaara was busy running around the store moving everything while Minato was running after him
'Today is gonna be long day' they all thought
•1hr before prom•
Kushina Minato was getting prepared
Kurama was helping Garra put his tuxedo on
Naruto was his room shaking he was nervous he was stuck his thoughts that he didn't hear his mom telling him it was too go till his dad shook him a bit
"Are you okay Naruto" Dad asked

"H-huh yeah sorry Dad Mom I was just stuck my thoughts," he said nervously chuckling

Kushina, Minato gave him weirdly look
Kurama gave sad look Gaara was just playing with his tie not paying attention

"Okay let's go prom is about to start," Dad said as we all nodded when we got the car mom dad sat the front Kurama sat the left side the window
I picked up Gaara so he can sit the middle I sat the right side of the window we left

                  {2 hours later}
It was almost time to call the prom King, Queen
Naruto was excited he would get a date with Sayuri they'll happily fall in love with each other had happily ever after
But little did he know that Sayuri her cheerleader friends and Kiba were planning to make naruto look like a fool they thought they were sneaking but two people saw them they were Kurama and Shukaku
Kurama sighed shook his head how could his little brother fall for someone like her

Time: 11:11pm .night.

             •a few minutes before they announce prom Queen/king•

Few students were still the dance floor dancing till Minato came on stage

"Welcome to prom of 20xx we are now gonna announced the prom Queen/King but before we do that can I please have my wife Kushina and my three sons Gaara, Kurama and naruto please"

Kushina came up while carrying sleepy grumpy Gaara
Naruto came up second he passed him the box that has the prom king/Queen he smiled at Sayuri who faked smiled at him
Kurama came up last who glanced at Shukaku gave nod to prepare Shukaku nod back

"Okay, now the prom King is..... Kiba inuzuka Congratulations Kiba now the Prom Queen is......Sayuri Uchiha Congratulations Sayuri "
Everyone started clapping cheering when Minato put the crowns on them but
then Sayuri walked up to naruto grabbed his hand they went to the middle of the dance floor Naruto blushed thinking they're gonna have slow dance Sayuri smirked at him

"Thanks for making me Prom Queen nerd but now that I'm prom queen you are useless to me again"
Naruto smiled faded away as She backed away from him  Sayuri was looking the stage gave the nod
before he could react or saying something
bucket of rotten milk cracked eggs, mud grass fell on his head
staining his suit making him smell bad the whole building gasped then started laughing at him
The Namikaze-Uzumaki Family looked shocked they followed Sayuri    Eyes they were meant by sakura recording on her phone and Karin Uzumaki Naruto cousin their eyes went back to Naruto who has taken the bucket out his head he looked ready to sob

"S-S-Sayuri why," he asked whimpering as he eyes started damping
The moment Sayuri got a flashback memory she forgot she had

                         {Sayuri p.o.v}
Sayuri was playground park her and family barley moved to Konoha
"you have ugly pigtails" boy with brown hair two sharp teeth says Triangle shape in each cheek says
Sayuri frowned at him
"my mommy thinks I look beautiful with pigtails on," she said mumbling Now feeling insecure about herself
The boy let out a laugh as he started shoving dirt in her face as she covered her small face but all sudden it stopped as she opened her eyes she saw a little boy with blonde hair standing front of her before she could speak the little boy said something
"that's not nice to do Kiba-Kun she's a girl boys should never put harm hand on a girl ever"

"move out the way Geek" Kiba said

"NO if you don't leave I'm telling my mommy papa on you, you'll get in trouble" he said loudly the Kiba kid looked furious so he pushed him down walked away from them few seconds later he got up walked front of her stretched his hand to her

"hey are you okay" he asked with such beautiful smile she thought he was an angel for second
She smiled nodded at him grabbed his hand so she can stand back up

"yes thank you I'm sorry but what's your name" she asked shyly

"my name is Naruto Uzumaki Dattebayo"he said with a wide smile she smiled back him

"well I'm Sayuri Uchiha thank you for defending me Naruto-Kun you're my hero" said said giggling

•Flashback over•

Sayuri gasped how can she forget the memory Naruto defended her when they were little kids as she looked back to Naruto his beautiful blue eyes now filled with sadness disappointed bit of anger
He gave one glance at her before running out the building as he ran out the door his Older brother Kurama  ran after him but not before  glaring at Sayuri
She looked back at the stage where Minato Kushina looked shocked/angry Gaara was trying to get off his mother grip tossing turning
Minato grabbed the microphone again started speaking
"I'm sorry but the prom is now canceled so please students start making your way out the building have a safe night thank you"
He said as he grabbed his wife hand started walking out the building as well
Sayuri knew that moment she f*cked up

{Naruto P.o.v}

After Naruto left the building he ran he didn't notice where he was going now he's walking the side of the road lost but he didn't care he felt betrayed he felt disgusting he let out a fake laugh
"how could've ever thought someone like her would ever love someone like me I'm pathetic"
He said aloud

"No you're not" voice said behind him he quickly turned around was met by his older brother Kurama his friend Shukaku

"Nii-san Shukaku-Kun what you guys doing here how did you even find me"

"Hello Naruto-San I am here to help you your brother has shown multiple videos of your singing I must say you are very talented I could make you famous you can show your bullies you are better than them so what do you say Naruto-San we got deal" Shukaku said as he pulled the contract from his jacket
Naruto looked at the paper then at Shukaku then at Kurama back at the paper he was about to deny it when he started getting flashbacks

"HA you think you'll be a successful singer if you're lucky you can work for me when I'm a famous singer" -Kiba

"Stupid nerd you're not talented enough to become a famous singer so just give up Kiba-Kun is the one who's gonna go places be someone successful but I can't say the same for you" -Sayuri

"Save yourself some time give up you'll just make yourself look like a fool" - Kiba

" you're an idiot if you believe you're any good at this" -Sayuri

"I can't believe I'm related to someone like you" -Karin

"JUST GIVE UP ALREADY" - Kiba.Sayuri.Karin


•Flashback over•

He finally snapped he snatched the paper pen out Shukaku hand
Signed it

He'll showed them


Hello everyone long time no see right? Hehehe I'm sorry I haven't updated

Can't believe this book is about to end just a few chapters left ):


See you next chapter

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