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☽You treated me like shit but I called it love

November 6
Naruto dropped out of High school which shocked the whole school Sayuri was more shocked saddened while Kiba laughed said Naruto was useless person won't go far in life all their "friends" laughed agreed with him
October 10
Naruto was the recording studio with Kurama , Shukaku they were trying to help naruto write song

"C'mon naruto you gotta write a song already"

"I don't know what to write about Nii-San"

"How about the Sayuri girl what about her a lot people write about their live what they went thru" shukaku said gently
December 12
Naruto finally release his first song called prom queen he was super nervous but everyone the industry gave him encouraging words
When went on the radio for the first naruto family was there gaara was squeezing his hand
When Sayuri first heard it she was the car with her and her family heading to a family reunion  she knew that the song was about her she felt more horrible
December 28
the song did great after couple weeks his release his album called rasengan
January 17
Naruto was industry with Shukaku talking when another member Chomei walked in with girl who had blue turquoise  hair orange eyes
"naruto Shukaku meet my step sister Fuu she's upcoming actress and model"

"Hello Shukaku-San Naruto-kun it's pleasure to meet you both can i just say your album is so good congratulations on your album"

"nice to meet you too "Shukaku said while shaking her hand

"Thank you Fuu-Chan you're really beautiful"
February 14
"Welcome back to keeping up with the celebrities my name is Sakiko today our cameras caught Singer Naruto and upcoming actress,model Fuu walking in a fancy restaurant holding hands insiders says they were laughing and flirting with each other when leaving Fuu was seen wearing Naruto jacket"
Sayuri  gripped the tv remote so tightly it's bad enough Kiba left her when she told him that she was pregnant with his child she's now single mother she lost naruto to model
February 26
Naruto was industry with his Manger figuring tour agreements when one of them ask random question

"are you and Fuu-Chan dating" one of his managers asked

"What no we're just friends"

February 28
Fuu and naruto was called by their managers to the same building to have meeting

"good afternoon Fuu-Chan         Naruto-kun we brought you  here because our industry have been talking we both agreed on fake relationship which means you guys well be relationship in public eye we believe this will give you more clout"

Naruto and Fuu looked at each other  back their managers
"can we please have few minutes to talk about this please" Fuu asked
Their managers nodded told them they only had 30 minutes to talk about it left the room
Naruto was looking at the window

"...Naruto-Kun what do we do"

"I don't know Fuu-Chan I'll admit you are Beautiful women any men would be lucky to have you but I love Someone else but she sadly didn't return the same feeling but my heart still belongs to her ....I'm sorry"

Fuu  gave him sympathetic eyes small smile put her hand his shoulder

"I understand Naruto-kun I know were you're coming from I fell in love with my childhood best friend when I confessed to him he told me he was in love with one of my cousins told me I was the most ugliest person he ever seen but just like you
My heart still belongs to him"

"What scumbag you're beautiful Fuu don't ever forget that"

Fuu blushed the compliment

"T-thank you naruto-San I don't know what this girl did to you but you're beautiful too you deserve all the happiness"

After explaining about Sayuri to her talking about bit they agreed all the fake relationship even feels wrong to them

After few weeks their managers confirmed their relationship

When Sayuri and Takashi heard the new
Let's just say they were not happy not one bit

Hello everyone:

I hope you're all doing good

I think the next chapter is gonna be the last I'm not sure yet sorry if the chapter is short I know I promised two chapter last month but I forgot

Today is my birthday I'm getting so old :c

Thank you so much for 9k reads

Remember stay safe :3

If you don't know who Fuu  is she's the 7tails jinchuuriki

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