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✉︎ Wasn't that the definition of home? Not where you are from, but where you are wanted.

{Naruto p.o.v}

"Okay I heard you already," I said as I slammed my alarm clock I checked my phone it read 7:00 I groaned as I was about to get out of bed I heard a scream coming from Garra room I quickly got out ran to his room as I entered it I saw
him crawl into little ball crying
"Garra what's wrong" I asked as. Picked him up
"I-I- h-had n-nightmare" he said as he was trying to hiding his face my neck i tilted my head the other way so he can get to my neck
"Shh it's okay nobody going to hurt you you're safe now"
"WE HEARD SCREAMING" Mom said as Kurama dad walked in after her
"He had a Nightmare" I said as I kept rubbing his back trying to soothe him
"MY POOR BABY" As mom got Garra out my arm started rocking him softly
Dad, Kurama and me walked out of the room began getting ready for the day
•A few minutes later•
"Honey hurry me and Naruto are ready already"
"I'm not going work today I'm gonna stay hone with Garra he's really shaken up with nightmare he doesn't wanna tell me what his nightmare is about I already called his pre-school"
"I don't the-" Minato was caught off by Kushina Glare Minato sighed
"very will c'mon Naruto we have to leave now or we'll be late"
I nodded got my orange backpack from the couch we said our last goodbye to mom

{Arriving school}

"you already know the rules don't ditch class don't start drama show respect to the staffs do you understand me Naruto Uzumaki"

"yes I do Father" I answered back

"good see you after school"  after that me and he got out the vehicle went our separate ways

As I was making my way to the locker I can already hear people giggling murmuring I can also feel people glaring at me

As I got my books closed my locker someone slammed the books out my hand I looked up saw Sayuri, her friends Sakura, Tenten, Ino, Temari and my cousin Karin

"I need you to do me a favor Baka"
Sayuri said as she pushed me to the locker I quickly blushed

"u-uh yeah okay"
I said stuttering

"As you know prom is coming up I wanna become the prom queen I need your assistance if I start losing I want you to switch the votes"

"I-I don't think I can  do that Sayuri I might be the  principal son but the just being mean"

Sayuri rolled her eyes she leaned over whispered me ears
"if you do this I'll go on a date with you"
She started giving my neck small kisses I shivered she stopped
"so will you do this for me "
I quickly nodded she grinned nodded back left with her friends

As I finished picking up my books the bell rang I left running before my dad can catch me

Word count: 527

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