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One day, I will find the right words, and they will be simple.
                                    {2 year time-skip}

/Naruto P.o.v/

It has been two years since I and Fuu have been fake dating we love each other sure but not romantically
We we're on our for an interview for my upcoming tour Fuu upcoming modeling show also a lot of thing has changed my clothes styles has changed dramatically thanks to Fuu and the record company

Me and Fuu we're the green room wait for our name to be called by the interviewer

                           •5 minutes later•
"Welcome back everyone my name is Ayame today we have two special guest please welcome Naruto Uzumaki and Fuu to the stage"

We heard the audience start clapping screaming we both looked at each other gave comforting smiles
When we arrived the stage we shook Ayame hand after the clapping stopped me and Fuu sat down the couch as i wrapped my hand Over her waist which made the audience whistle , woo at us

"thank you for being here Naruto-kun Fuu-Chan"
Ayame said

"thank you for having us" me and Fuu both said

"Okay first question how did you two meet"

"I was with shukaku one day in the studio when Fuu and her step-sister chomei walked in she introduced us to each other we texted each other for couple weeks I asked her on date on Valentine day after that I asked her to be my girlfriend she said yes"
I said which was a total  lie

"so you guys are official"

"yes" Fuu answered

" The third question what kind of music genre do you most like naruto"

"I like all music genre but my most favorite is pop-rock music"

"how much time do you guys spent time with each other"

"well you know me and Naruto-Kun are always busy with our work but we do try make some time for each other"

"Naruto do you get jealous when Fuu  has to kiss a boy one of her movies"

"No we trust each other I know when she kisses someone in one of her movies is just for the movie that same goes for her right fuu"
Fuu nodded response

"how many kids are you guys planning because you guys look like a good couple"

The audience giggled some whistled
I and fuu glanced at each other
We awkwardly laughed

" we'll see where the future takes us but right now we're both really busy" Fuu responded

"What was your life before this"

"My life was boring I'm the son of High school principal I was bullied for it I had feelings for the popular girl in the school when prom was coming she asked me favor I did it but she than humiliated me in front of the school"

"My life wasn't the greatest My father was horrible but now he's away from us me my mother are now in better situation"

"I'm sorry to hear that okay last question Naruto did your song have secret meaning behind it"

"Yes prom queen is about the girl I mentioned"

"thank you guys for doing this interview with me"

"Thank you" me and Fuu said as we walked out off stage

[Fuu past]

⚠️Trigger warning: talks about Abuse, Knife, stabbing ⚠️

As early as fuu can remember his dad was very abusive he would beat her and her mother daily basis she was very scared of him she would always plead with her mother to just pack their belongings leave but she would never listen
Until one day Fuu came back home from school the moment she walked in the house her father slapped her hard the face made her lose her balance fall to the floor he got top of her punching her screaming horrible things at her after while he got off her she thought that was it but he came back holding a knife he started stabbing her arm leg sliced her stomach
Fuu was screaming pleading with him to stop she was scared she's gonna die

Until Takashi walked thru the door
"hey fuu you forgot this at scho-"
He was interrupted but the scene in front of him he quickly pushed her dad off her he knocked him out he quickly dialed 9-1-1
When the police ambulance came they arrested her dad they took her to the hospital

After a while Fuu was healing in the hospital she confessed her feelings to

Fuu was in her hospital bed waiting for Takashi to visit her

•after few minutes•

She heard a knocked on her door
"come in"
Takashi walked smiled at her
"hey Fuu"
"hello Takashi-Kun"

After a while talking fuu decided to confess

"Takashi-kun "

Takashi looked up from him phone
"what is it Fuu"

She said quickly loudly

He dropped his phone the floor looked shocked


"you can't be serious Fuu I don't like you like that you're not even pretty you're now scarred with knife wounds that not attractive don't ever talk to me again"
He said as he picked his phone up from the floor walked out

Fuu lay there shocked she felt tear rolling down  her eyes

_after few weeks_
Fuu her mother has been going thru therapy that's when her mother met her step-father Minoru after few months she met her step-sister chomei

after a year of their parents dating they got married
At the wedding, Fuu saw Takashi kissing her cousin Rumi they made eye contact for a second before Takashi looked away fuu walked away

after a bit, Takashi Rumi walked up to her

"hey Fuu-chan how are you stab wounds doing," Rumi said while pressing hard on her injury
Fuu slapped her arm away

"its healing fine thank you but don't touch it"

"aw c'mon cousin don't be like that," she said putting hard pressure on her wound fuu let out a little whimper while Takashi stood there

Until Chomei pushed Rumi away from Fuu

"can't you see you're hurting fuu leave her alone," she said Rumi Takashi walked away

"you okay," she asked fuu nodded in response

"Why did they do that," she asked after Fuu explained everything Chomei promised her to help her

After a while, Chomei convinced her to join a modeling/acting industry

That's when she met Naruto

Hello guys
New update yay! (:

Stay safe take care <3

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