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"I'm home!" (Y/n) announced as she closed the door, the response was the tell tale jingle of Kosmo's collar before he was running around her, his tongue hanging out as he happily danced around her.

"Hey boy." She grinned dropping down to scratch behind his ears getting a soft bark from him. "Where's Keith hiding?"

Kosmo then turned heading towards Keith's office with (y/n) close behind.

It was rare that Keith was still working when she got back, but she knew they were working towards a new release date and that ment that he often ended up doing overtime.

Overtime that ate into their time.

She knocked softly on the door that Kosmo had just entered not wanting to invade on a video call if Keith was on one. Not like last time.

"You may enter." Keith's voice responded with an amused tone.

(Y/n) smirked rolling her eyes as she pushed the door open. Keith's office was the usual of controlled mess, he knew where everything was but not anyone else.

At first it drove (y/n) mad, until she realised that she was just as untidy in her own way.

"What are you working on?" (Y/n) asked leaning over Keith's shoulder to watch him tap in a few series of code.

"The texture of metal." Keith frowned pulling his headphones off as he tipped his head back to look up at her. "I'm nearly done."

"Good." (Y/n) smirked.

"So how was your day?" Keith asked cracking his neck and knuckles.

"It was alright, I'm thinking of writing a book about it."

"That would be awesome, oh and my boss wants to meet you about a possible murder mystery video game, completely in VR."

"Sweet, especially since none of the guys will let me help at work." (Y/n) huffed. "They keep saying I'll get hurt."

"Well you might." Keith pointed out with a fond smile as he laced his fingers with her's. "But I know you can handle it."

"Alright you big cheese." (Y/n) giggled pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I'm gonna start dinner."

"No you're not." Keith smiled squeezing her hand. "We're going out."

"We are? When did we plan this?" (Y/n) asked with a slight frown.

"I decided two hours ago." Keith explained with an apologetic smile. "I thought we could both do with a night of not cooking."

(Y/n) grinned. "Do I have to wear anything specific?"

"Fairly smart." Keith smiled. "Not ott."

"Got it, anything else I should know before we go?"

"That I love you."

"Aw," (y/n) cooed before she instantly became serious. "What did you do?"

"Nothing." Keith promised squeezing her hands. "Honest, I promise."

(Y/n) gave him a doubtful look but it soon melted into a smile. "Is Kosmo coming with us?"

"Definitely." Keith nodded. "He's my emotional support."

"Why? What are you planning?"

"Stop being a detective for 10 seconds." Keith laughed.

"Okay then, I'll go and get ready." (Y/n) smirked gently swatting his arm.

Keith returned to smile and let her go, the nerves returned.

Taking a deep breath Keith turned back to his computer and let it out slowly, he zoomed out of the picture spinning it this way then that, his gaze shifted to the side towards his jacket.

He was scared, he wouldn't lie. This was big, huge even and him messing up would only make his world crumble again.

Kosmo's soft whine drew his attention snapping his from his daze.

"Sorry bud." He whispered scratching Kosmo's head. "I need to get out of my head."

Saving his progress Keith quickly logged out of his account and then unplugged the USB, he was going to need it.

Grabbing his jacket he rumaged through his pockets until he found his phone. He sent a quick message to Hunk who replied almost immediately.

He stopped off in the living room to hook the USB into his car keys before placing them into his nicer jacket.

"Hey Keith, how long are we going to be out? Cause I've got to pick up a file from the other station tomorrow and I'm not going if I'm gonna be exhausted."

"Um... We might be out late." Keith explained as he turned his jaw going slack.

(Y/n) was dressed in a black dress with an asymmetric hem, the longer back stopped at her calves and the shorter front ended just above her knees. The top was fitted but she had pulled one of her black jackets on hiding her shoulders and arms.

She looked stunning.

"Keith? Earth to Keith." She smiled as she stepped closer.

"Sorry you just... Wow." Keith explained with a soft smile.

"You okay? You seem really anxious." (Y/n) frowned brushing his hair from his face.

"Yeah, I am anxious, but... When I'm with you it... It's not so bad." Keith admitted keeping her hand pressed warmly to his cheek. "I should go and get ready."


Keith placed a kiss on the tip of her nose before heading quickly to their room, he soon found the outfit he had in mind, it was one of his best suits, black trousers with a white shirt. Remarkably they had both had the same outfit idea and now they really looked like those Instagram couples who matched every outfit.

Keith smiled to himself at the thought heading out of their room swiftly tugging his jacket on in the process.

"Ready to go?" He asked as he grabbed Kosmo's lead.

"Always." (Y/n) nodded lacing their hands together.

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