Team plan

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"Go. Go. Go." Shiro whispered over the coms as they all headed off in different directions.

Keith and (y/n) headed down to the coordinates that Pidge had provided.
It was like a maze but Keith had managed to memorize it.
They rounded several corners before setting their eyes on the key.

The key was a piece of code which allowed the teams to get the bay doors open so they could get their ship and to get away from the base. The first one to the safe zone wins.

"There's three guards ahead and two behind us we need a way to get past with out them calling for backup." Keith grumbled checking his scanners."How are we gonna get through?"

"I have an idea." (Y/n) smirked.

Keith looked up at where she was gesturing a vent about 10 feet up in the air. It seemed wide enough for one of them to get through, but Keith couldn't see how they were going to reach it.

"Let's hope this works." She mumbled to herself hoping not to make too much noise.

"How are you going to get up there?" Keith whispered/yelled.

"I need a boost."

Keith stood opposite the hole and looked up activating his shield. "You sure about this?"

"Yeah it should be fun." (Y/n) then ran at Keith, using his shield as a step, he then used all his strength to force her up into the air.
She managed to hit her feet on the wall and kick towards the other side. Half way there she ignited her jetpack and flipped into the vent. Landing on the ledge perfectly.

Keith smiled admiring her abilities in the game, she made it all look so easy.

"Shiro we're making our move, how are you holding up?" He asked still smiling.

"It feels like the whole of Sendak's fleet is here. Lance and Hunk are doing a great job keeping them at bay but I don't know how long we can hold them off for."

"Ok. (Y/n) you need to hurry."

"Rodger that." She called from the vent, giving him a quick wink before disappearing into the vent.


"Why have we stopped?" Sendak yelled smashing his advanced prosthetic into the wall.

"Their sniper has us pinned down and we cannot get past their ground defense...sir." He whimpered knowing how angry Sendak could get.

"I don't want excuses give me results." Sendak grabbed the other player and threw him out into the open. Lance had seen that Sendak was trying to find where he was hiding.

Hunk took the shot and then returned to his spot behind the pillar so he didn't get hit.

So far they were holding their own Pidge was controlling the lights so they and the key stayed invisible, while Coran scanned the area for guard that ay appear from different angles. Matt, Shiro and Allura formed a defensive barrier between Sendak and the key.

"Guys you might want to hold on to something." Pidge said as she turned the gravity off.

Lance and Hunk had already secured themselves and Shiro and Matt held on to Allura while she used her Bayard to hold them down. And Coran hugged a pillar.

Pidge turned it back on, making most of Sendak's men fall over while they kept their posts.

Five of Sendak's men appeared around the corner holding shields, Lance knew he wouldn't be able to penetrate, so he didn't waste his fire power. "Shiro they're all yours."

"Ok cover us." Shiro responded before running forward with Allura and Matt on his heels.

"On it, come on Hunk." Lance moved position so he could see those who were coming around the corner better.

"Let's hope that (y/n) and Keith can get our key quickly." Hunk said as he followed Lance's movements.


Keith stood tapping his foot impatiently waiting for the signal from (y/n) to tell him to go, but she was taking her time.

He sighed looking into the room, trying to think what distraction he was going to do.

"Ok Keith I'm gonna need that distraction." (Y/n) called over the coms.

Keith groaned internally before jumping around the corner and into view, he waved his arms around like Lance did in one of their earlier missions.

He then activated his shield and Bayard as they started shooting.

(Y/n) dropped from the ceiling and took down one of the guards, without a sound, while they were distracted.

Keith took out the other two before they could call for backup.

"Get the key let's go."

(Y/n) grabbed the key and ran to catch up with Keith, she may have been good at finding secret entrances but she felt safer when Keith was near knowing that they would both make it to the ship.

They used several secret doors, that Keith didn't know existed to get to the hanger. They had already informed the rest of the team so now they were waiting for the right moment to get past the guards and to the ship.

"You guys do know that it's a mine field out there, right?" Matt said over the coms fighting the last few guards.

"Yeah Matt's right get out of here as soon as you can so you have more time to get through." Shiro ordered.

"Ok we will." (Y/n) responded nodding to Keith.

"Shields up get ready to run." He said jumping to his feet and activating his shield. (Y/n) copied him and ran towards the ship that Keith said was the easiest to manouver through the asteroids.

"Stay sharp out there, don't get hit, cause if you lose the key it goes back to its station and we will definitely lose." Coran informed as they reached the controls.

"No pressure huh." (Y/n) smiles as  they reached the ship.

They sped out of the station and headed towards the safe zone, Keith was the pilot while (y/n) checked their scanners for asteroids and to make sure no one was following their path.

Keith did several turns and dodged the asteroids easily, but one of Sendak's ships soon appeared and it was aiming for them.

"Keith don't hit anything I need the shielding here at the back." (Y/n) planned to deflect the blast that Sendak was preparing to strike them with.

They fired but the shields worked perfectly, as the blast hit the side of Sendak's ship slowing it slightly.

"I don't know how much more of this we can take." She grumbled as the ship shook from another blast.

Keith sighed looking around, they needed to get some speed or cover. They were running out of time.

"We need an explosion behind us something that will give us a boost."

"Are you sure that will work?" (Y/n) yelled concern clearly in her voice.

"Just trust me." He yelled back, focusing on his piloting while (y/n) delt with the cannons.

"Ok then." She mumbled.

She fired two shots and managed to get the beams to hit a asteroid with an explosive gas on it, it exploded and them propelled them forward crashing into the safe zone.


Game over.
Winner: Team Voltron.
Well done.


"Yes." Lance and Pidge yelled at the same time while Hunk hugged Matt.

"We did it." Keith smiled relaxing into his chair.

"Yes we did, partner." (Y/n) said removing her headphones before turning to look at him with a smile.

"Partners. I like that." He smiled back.

Nothing could stop them now.

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