Chapter 2

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"Beep Beep Beep"

Rolling in the sheets and covering her head with a pillow in attempt to mask the annoying beeping of her alarm clock, Emery eventually caved and rose from bed to turn the horrible noise off.  Noting that it was 5 o'clock and she was wide awake, she decided that she should end her last day of summer the way she started it, with a good run. She threw on black shorts and a sports bra along with a loose Tee on top for her usual morning run.

Coming back after about an hour, Emery took a took a quick shower to rid herself of her sweaty stench. While under the running water, Emery thought to herself, 'This is the year. This is the year where I expand my horizons. I am a bad bitch and Its time I started acting like it'.

Ending her shower with her motivational speech to herself, she soon after dried and dressed in comfortable boyfriend jeans with a form fitting V-neck T-shirt and some sneakers to top it off. Although she would have wanted to curl her hair, she honestly wasn't feeling up to the task so she let her natural wave show, just taming it with some product and a little clip. The short front pieces hung loosely as they framed her little dainty face. She finished her look with some lip gloss and mascara because she wanted to look like effort was made.

Even though she didn't need any make-up or anything extra, Emery looked beautiful nonetheless. Starring at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but look at her body and features. As cliche as it sounds, she finally started to notice a difference in her body over the summer. After running every morning that summer, her waist looked cinched and her butt and hips grew, giving her the hourglass figure she had always wanted. Her breasts had also grew in size, increasing from an A cup to a D.

Her face even matured and she finally began to gain some confidence(Although she was always gorgeous, she just started to realize it).

She finally convinced her dads to let her get contacts and her braces were finally removed, leaving her with the straightest pearly white smile and the most attention catching eyes to exist.

Though she didn't want to sound full of herself, she silently thought, 'Damn, you know this might not be the cutest outfit or anything, but I look hot'.

After admiring herself, she headed down stairs to where she was greeted by her two dads making breakfast, well technically, Kevin was just eating and Tim was cooking.

As she sat down and bit down onto a piece of toast, Kevin greeted her, "Good Morning E. Are you ready for your fifth first day?"

Emery sighed and replied, "To be honest, I think I am". She wasn't lying, this would be her year after all.

While still looking at the pan he was using, Tim joined the conversation; "I'm glad to hear that mija," and with a chuckle he continued, "That's a step up from last year when we had to drag your ass to the station".

"Yea yea, I guess that wasn't my finest moment," Emery said as she playfully rolled her eyes.

Kevin lifted his eyebrow and remarked, "You looked like you were going to shit your pants the minute we left you on the train".

Laughter broke out at the table because everyone knew he was right and there was no lie said. The family eventually finished their breakfast and Emery pulled her trunk into the car where her parents took her to the train to be dropped off, just like every year. They kissed her on top of the head and waved goodbye as the train started to move further and further away.

Luckily, Emery was able to find an empty compartment despite her casually late arrival. Immediately diving into her book, Emery was able to score herself a few minutes in peace before she decided that she should probably go find Greyson before he has a heart attack.

Rising from her seat, Emery began passing through compartments in search for her better half. To her shock however, many pairs of eyes trailed on her and she could hear inaudible whispers around her, gossiping about who she was or where she was from.

Emery's POV:

The whispers around me could have nearly killed me. I don't believe anyone was necessarily laughing at me but everyone's eyes trailed me like I was their prey. I would be a fool not to know why, I mean, I'm in Ravenclaw for a reason. But at the end of the day, it was so nerve racking to have all eyes on me when I have only ever been the girl everyone avoided looking at.

As I passed through more compartments, not necessarily looking at everyone but rather just looking for someone, I heard my name yelled from one of the booths.

I swiftly turned around and walked towards the group where I found myself starring at Hermione, Ron, and Harry. While Hermione was smiling at me with genuine happiness, Harry looked dumbfounded and Ron just looked rather dumb as his eyes became glued to my body.

Before I could even have the chance to say anything, Hermione abruptly said, "Emery! It is so great to see you!" She then proceeded to stand and give me a tight hug which I gladly returned. "You look amazing! Its been forever since we have last spoken" she said with a huff.

Not completely sure what to say, I honestly replied, "Oh I know its been a while. I truly do wish that we kept better in touch".

Not skipping one beat, Hermione nodded and continued, "Me too. Unfortunately we cannot get back time but we always have this year and the ones that follow".    

Before I could even think of a proper reply, the compartment doors slid open abruptly. In came Greyson running and giggling like a schoolgirl with two carrot tops close on his tail. All caught up in the moment, I was able to dodge my incoming friend and the red head that proceeded him, but not the one that followed.

In the blink of an eye I was knocked on the floor with a tall ginger on top of me and his warm breath against my neck. He eventually looked up at me and for a split second, I could have sworn that all the oxygen was sucked out of the room and it was just him and I starring at each other.

Breathing heavy, he continued to look at me until he stood up and offered me a hand; "Sorry about that beautiful, I hope I haven't messed up that pretty face of yours".

Taking his hand and eventually bringing myself to my feet, I quietly dusted myself off and grumbled, "Its fine". Embarrassed of the growing blush on my cheeks, I avoided eye contact until I felt a pair of eyes starring at the top of my head.

Looking up, my best friend and I locked eyes immediately which brought a grin to both of our faces as he quickly brought me into a tight embrace, with my hands on his shoulders and his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

Pulling away from our hug, Greyson looked at me and said, "Merlin Emery I didn't even recognize you".

Turning to face the twins, although they looked identical, their expressions told completely different stories. George looked filled of joy and he was slightly still red from their little game while Fred looked like he had just received the biggest shock of his life and immediately turned a deep red shade only gingers can become.

I hugged George to which he pulled away and said, "Looking fantastic Yates," with a charming grin plastered on his face. I returned his smile with one of my own. I then turned to his counterpart and stood on my tippy toes, ruffling his hair with my fingers

"Missed me carrot top?" I asked sarcastically.

He finally looked up from his previous position with his eyes glued to the floor, "Not even the slightest bit," he said with a smirk that made something inside me tingle as he walked away with his twin following him shortly after.

*AHHH okay I'm really sorry if this sucked. I hope you can excuse some obvious grammar and spelling errors but oh my lanta Fred is hot*

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