Chapter 1

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Third Person POV

Hinata had invited the Karasuno volleyball club over to his house for a hike in the woods behind his house. Soon his first visitor arrived.

"Hi Kageyama!" Hinata cheerily says when he opens the door. Kageyama is the first of many guests.

"Morning," says Kageyama. He already knew what Hinata's house looked like, so he showed himself to Hinata's dining room. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang.

"Hi!" Hinata said, still with the cheery smile of his, as Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Tanaka, Daichi, and Sugawara walk in.

"Wow," said Suga, admiring his house. "This place looks great!" 

"Yeah," nodded all but Tsukki, who made one of his normal backhanded remarks. Tanaka slapped him and said to be nicer when someone lets him into their humble home.

A few seconds later, the doorbell rang a third time. 

"Hello," said Takeda, kind of nervous.

"What's up," Ukai said laughing. "Already fighting?"

"Hey you guys come in!" yelled Hinata.

And for the last and fourth time, the doorbell rang. In walked Asahi and Nishinoya. They then greeted each other and Hinata took charge. 

"Alright. Daichi and I planned a 10 kilometer hike through the woods behind my house..." Hinata explained how it would go, with Daichi popping in to add something here or there. Once they finished explaining the exercise, and finished getting ready, they headed out.

Time Skip: an Hour and a Half Later

"I said we took a wrong turn! Tanaka shouldn't have the map. He's holding it wrong," stated Kageyama.

"You take the map then!" Tanaka yelled, furious. The two got into an argument. While the others we trying to stop them, Hinata realized he had never seen this part of the forest. He started to explore when something caught his eye. It was a large stone in the middle of many others. Hinata started towards it. Noya noticed Hinata and started after him, but was too late. Hinata touched the stone and it was absorbed into his hand.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!" screamed Hinata. This caught the group's attention.

"Hinata are you alright?" The others ran towards him to make sure he was okay.

"How did you do that?" Noya asked.

"I don't know," Hinata replied.

"Do what?" Tsukki snarkily remarked.

"The huge stone Hinata touched just went 'shwoop!' right inside his hand! I saw it with my own eyes!" said Noya. 

Kageyama saw a stone the ground. "You mean he touched it like th—" That stone was sucked into Kageyama's hand. "What the fuck!" he shouted.

Soon they each found their own stone, and each one was absorbed into their hands upon touch. While they were doing that, Takeda figured out where they were and they all went home.

Time Skip: that night 9:02 pm                 Hinata's POV

That night I was super tired, so I decided to hit the hay a bit early. Natsu was hanging out in her room and Mom was already asleep, so I didn't have to worry about them. The Karasuno Volleyball Club official group chat was blowing up after this afternoon. I was to tired to answer, so I just laid on my bed until I fell asleep.

(Sorry I'm doing these a lot) Time Skip: 6:36 am next day

I wake up still feeling kind of tired, but otherwise good. I got up to shower and was starting to think I dreamed up yesterday's events, but when I checked my phone, realized it had actually happened. So it did happen?! I thought. Cool!  I hopped in the shower after checking my phone and let the warm water run over me. I started thinking about the stones, but after a couple minutes, my thoughts were cut short by Natsu asking if I was almost done. "Yes!" I replied turning the water of and jumping out. While drying off, I started wondering out loud what it would be like if I had ears and a tail, like a puppy. Then, for a split second, I had this weird feeling, like nothing I had ever experienced before. Something was off though. I then realized could hear my mom sleeping 2 rooms over! "What the heck!" I said as I felt my head. I had giant puppy ears, the pointy tip ones, and a large fluffy tail. I tried pulling them off, but it hurt like they were a part of me. I soon just gave up and snuck to my room out of the bathroom. After arriving, I yelled to Natsu I was out. Since I couldn't get rid of the ears and tail, I tucked my tail into my pants and threw a hoody on. It was now 10 minutes to 7 am, so I bolted to the kitchen, grabbed a slice of toast and was on my way.

Time Skip: Volleyball Practice 3:28 pm

I managed to keep my tail and ears hidden for the school day, but here comes the hard part, hiding them during volleyball. The tail I would tuck into my shorts, but I couldn't wear, let alone manage to keep the hood itself on, so the ears were a problem. I walked into the gym, not thinking and while trying to figure out a way to hide my ears, I bump into Kageyama.

 I walked into the gym, not thinking and while trying to figure out a way to hide my ears, I bump into Kageyama

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Kageyama's POV

Hinata has been acting weird all day. Every time I see him he is always tugging at his hood or pulling up his pants (which he never does these things). Also, since when does Hinata wear a hoodie all day? He is definitely hiding something. At practice, I walking out of the changing room when Hinata bumps into me.

Third Person POV 

"I'm so sorry, Kageyama. I wasn't looking," Hinata said from the ground, kind of nervous. His hood had been pushed back a bit and Kageyama noticed that Hinata was hiding something under that hoodie he was wearing. Kageyama to a step forward, leaned down, and pulled Hinata's hood down, revealing to pointy, ginger puppy ears. All eyes were on Hinata.

Hinata's POV 

Everyone was just staring at me and I didn't like it. "Stop staring!" I said, extremely embarrassed.  Daichi, Suga, Takeda, and Ukai, hearing Hinata yell, came in the gym. They realized everyone gathered by the changing room looking at me. I heard them immediately and called out to them. "You guys please come help me!" I cried. The others, especially Tanaka, Tsukki, and Kageyama, were scaring me. The group near me didn't know who I was talking to until the others, who were farther back, got a bit closer. Suga and Daichi pushed their way past Tanaka to find me, sitting on the floor in a black hoodie with ears and my tail (which had come out of pants when I was pushed). 

Suga asks "Hinata, what happened to you?" sounding extremely worried.

"I don't know. This morning when I woke up everything was fine, but then all of a sudden, these just popped up out of nowhere. I don't know what to do!" I replied, burying my face in my hands.  "And Tanaka, Tsukki, and Kageyama are scaring me." I could feel myself becoming more and more like a puppy. 

Takeda then says "Breathe Hinata. Tell us exactly what happened." The way he spoke soothed me, although I think it was more the fact that Asahi, Daichi, Yamaguchi, and Ukai dragged Tsukki, Kageyama, and Tanaka away from me. I told Takeda exactly what happened, starting with last night. "... and then I said aloud, 'I wonder what it would be like to have a puppy's ears and tail,' and poof I have it." I started crying, feeling very emotional, just like a scared puppy. 

Takeda comes up with an idea. "Why don't you say that you want go back to normal. Maybe it will work." I did as he said. "I want to go back to being the normal me," I get the same feeling I had when it first happened, and the tail, ears, and fur all disappear. "Yay I'm back to normal!" I cried. Daichi and Suga approach me first.

"How did you do that?!" asked the entire team at the same time (proving they all share one brain cell). "I don't know. I guess it works if I say what I want to be, like if I say, 'I want crow wings on back,'..." I got the weird feeling and suddenly crow wings appear on my back. "Woah," they all reply.

This ends the firs chapter! Tell me what you think!🥰

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