Chapter 2

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Hinata's POV

I show off my wings, a little surprised myself at how pretty they are. Tsukki comes up and starts feeling my wings. They are really sensitive, so every time he touches me, I blush a little. Noya comes over and starts petting my wings, making me blush more. I try to tell them to stop. 

Kageyama's POV

Those jerks are playing with Hinata's wings. He obviously want them to stop. I really want to help him, especially after what happened earlier, and he looks so cute like that blushing, but I don't do anything and they just do this for 4 minutes, until they are interrupted by a concerned Hinata.

Hinata's POV

I hear Takeda mumbling. He occasionally will mumble, but this looks like his brain is in overload. I'm about to ask what he is thinking about when he speaks up.

"Based on my calculations, the only possible explanation for Hinata's abilities is those stones we found yesterday. Hinata was the first to touch one and he touched the largest, that's probably why at the moment, Hinata is the only one has an ability!" We stared at Takeda, who reasoned this in a matter of 4 minutes. I am the first to realize it and gasp.

"Takeda, your eyes are glowing! Like full on light glowing!" I said. I flew over to him, surprising myself and everyone else in the process, and study his eyes. "You must have gotten your power! You have super intelligence! And as a side effect of your power, your eyes glow when you use it," deduced Hinata. They stared at mr again, especially Kageyama, wondering when I gots so smart.

"This proves my theory. I was the second one to touch one of those rocks. 3 was Noya, 4 was Kageyama, 5 was Tanaka, 6 was Suga, 7 was Tsukki, 8 was Yamaguchi, 9 was Daichi, 10 was Ukai, and 11 was Asahi. That is the order the abilities will come. So next is Noya. We should get our abilities in a matter of minutes, since all of our stones were about the same size, except for Hinata's stone, which is why he got his so soon," Takeda stated.

Since they were randomly going to get an ability each, Daichi thought it would be best if the practice was more of a study hall. Everyone waited for Noya to manifest his ability. As they waited, I practiced my ability.  I practiced switching forms and flying, since the crow wings were my favorite. I noticed Kageyama watching and landed at his feet. "What do you think?" I asked him.

"I think it's really cool," Kageyama said, blushing because I had surprised him. I noticed him glancing at my wings. "Wanna feel them?" I asked him. He looked like he did, but said instead, "You looked uncomfortable earlier, so I don't want to if makes you feel bad." I replied, "I wasn't uncomfortable because they were touching my wings. It actually felt nice. It was just that they surprised when they, out of nowhere start randomly petting me. So go ahead."

Kageyama started to awkwardly stroke my wings

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Kageyama started to awkwardly stroke my wings. At first, it was weird for both of us, but as he got more comfortable with it, the more I enjoyed it. Kageyama's hands were very nimble and agile. After a few more minutes I knew we would have to stop so I said, "Why don't you toss me a couple, Kageyama?" He agreed.

Kageyama's POV

Hinata lets me pet his wings. They are super soft. I stroke his his wings more confidently than when we started. He seemed to enjoy it, which made me happy. No one seemed to notice what we were doing, but I still blushed at the thought that Hinata enjoyed having me pet him. After a few more minutes, he asked if I could set for him. I agreed.

Nishinoya's (Noya) POV

I watch Hinata and Kageyama head over to the court area. Knowing them, they were probably just bored and needed something to do. I headed over to them and offered to pick up balls for them, because that was better than nothing. Hinata spikes the ball, harder than normal, and it speeds towards the ground. I ran over there, received the ball, and passed it perfectly over the net to Kageyama. Hinata flys and catches it before it reaches Kageyama. He stares at me with his gold like eyes and says...

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