Chapter 4

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Hinata's POV 

I sat on the bus next to Kageyama at the back. We were checking out all the sights on the sides through the windows. Since we are the farthest from the camp, we have to drive the longest. After about an hour in the bus, I fall asleep on Kageyama's shoulder.

Kageyama's POV

I am looking out window when I feel weight on my shoulder. I turn my head and notice Hinata is sleeping. I subconsciously start petting his pretty orange hair. I wish I could tell him that I like him, but I'm worried he won't like me back. If friends are they way we are meant to be, I don't want to ruin our relationship by confessing my feelings. I look back down at Hinata before slowly drifting off to sleep.

Third Person POV

Little did the 2 boys know that while they slept in the back seat, laying on each other, everyone else was shipping them and taking pictures, except Tsukki, who was gazing lovingly at Yamaguchi, and Daichi and Suga, who're taking advantage of the distraction snuggle. 11 hours later, they arrived.

Hinata's POV

I feel someone tapping me. I groggily look up to see Takeda standing over me. "Morning sleepyhead!" He smiled. "We're here!" I get up and get off the bus to see Kenma standing outside. I jump on him and he smiles. "Hey Hinata," he says. "Hi!" I respond back. Takeda had already walked to where the team was.

"Hinata!" Suga runs over to Kenma and I in mom mode. "Come on! We have to get our dorms organized, and we need you there!" "Alright I'm coming," I say, disappointed. "I'll see you later," Kenma says. I turn and smile at him as I walk away with Suga. As we walk, Suga asks, "Did you say anything about our powers?" "No I didn't. Why?" I reply. "We shouldn't say anything about them. What if they tell someone and expose us to the media? We would be poked and prodded by scientists and the government would probably try to get their hands on us. Do you want that? Look, I know what I'm saying may disappoint you, but I just want to keep you and everyone else safe," Suga said, acting like a mom, though it did make me feel safe. "Alright!" I say smiling. "I won't say anything!" We continue to the rooms where we are staying. Once we arrived, we see everyone lined up for a head count. 

Suga and I run over to them and hop in line. "That's everyone!" Takeda says. "Let's get sorting." Takeda starts calculating the best way to pair them. "The pairs for rooms are as follows. One room will have 3 people instead of 2. Asahi, Nishinoya, and Tanaka will share one room. Daichi and Suga will share a room. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi will share a room. Lastly, Kageyama and Hinata will share one room." Kageyama glances at me, then quickly turns away. "The group of 3 gets the larger room because there are 3 of them. Now that that is settled, everyone go unpack, we are meeting the other teams for dinner. And," Takeda adds quietly, "not a mention of powers to anyone. Got it?" "Yes Sir!" we respond. We head off to our rooms. Kageyama and I start unpacking our stuff and putting it in drawers (Their basically staying in a hotel-like place). "Hey Kageyama?" I ask. "Yeah?" "Do you think the other teams would do anything to us if they  found out about our powers?" Kageyama looks at me, thinking hard about his answer. "I'd like to think that they wouldn't, but we can't be too sure they won't." Kageyama responded, slightly sad. I frowned and finished unpacking. Kageyama must have noticed because he said the one thing I won't turn down: "Want to play some volleyball?"

Kenma's POV

I was in the Nekoma team room playing on my phone when Kuroo comes over to me. "What are you doing Kenma? You've been super gloomy ever since you went to meet with Hinata," he said. "We hugged and then Suga dragged him off. We barely even said hello," I said, with a hint of disappointment in my monotonous voice. "Don't worry! We'll see him when we head to dinner in half an hour," Kuroo stated, trying to cheer me up. "I know, but something seemed off about them. I don't know exactly what it is but I know something is different. Also, Suga went into mom mode," I said. "Then something is DEFNITELY wrong," he says, sounding concerned at first, but then amused. "And we are going to find out what it is." He grabs my arm and pulls me away.

After finding Oikawa, Yaku, Iwaizumi, Akashi, and Bokuto (in that order), Kuroo explains. "Alright. Something is going on with Karasuno. Earlier, Suga was in mom mode, meaning that something happened, and we need to find out what." We nod in agreement. "What are you thinking Kuroo?" asked Bokuto. "One of us needs to be with them at all times, and we need to plant some sort of camera or listening device in their team room." "Well, there are already cameras in each room, so I could just hack those so we can watch, and send the link to all of you," I say. "Brilliant, now we just need to make sure one of us is with them at all possible times." Oikawa speaks up. "I think we can handle that!" Then we make this spot, which is the staircase that nobody uses during volleyball, our official meeting place, and depart for dinner.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Heads up, their will be more romance up ahead, especially shipping, so if you don't like that, I would stop reading. If you're homophobic, I would also recommend to stop reading. Everyone else, enjoy. *gay panic* my iPad kicked me off and almost deleted all of my hard work! Lucky for me it didn't. *gay relief* (btw I'm bi.) Phew! 😅😱I almost had a fucking heart attack! Well bye for now!

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