Chapter 3

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Third Person POV 

Hinata stares at Noya with his gold like eyes and says "You got your power!" Hinata cheerily hugged shocked Noya as he asks "What?" Hinata says "You have super speed!" 

Hinata's POV 

Noya looks at me like "what in the world?!?!" but I don't pay attention. I walk over to Kageyama and say "your turn next!" I feel so happy and excited that I can't help but fly around. Noya finally realizes what I said and runs using his ability over to Asahi, who is staring in wonder. 

"Check it out Asahi!" Noya says, excited. "I have super speed!" As he runs around the gym before anyone can blink. Then I land and start talking to everyone else about our abilities. I unfortunately got rid of my wings so nobody would touch them while we were chatting. 

Time Skip: 10 minutes

It's been about ten minutes and we've all gotten bored again. I start thinking about what Kageyama's ability will be. I mumble about different powers I know of to myself and hear Kageyama from across the gym. 

"What are those different powers you're talking about Hinata," he said. I stare at him. He stares back but confused. 

"You heard me?" I said amazed. I started thinking about how Kageyama could have heard me mumble from that distance when I hear Tsukki.

"You couldn't possibly have heard Hinata from that distance. He too far away even for me to hear what he said." When Tsukki said that it looked like Kageyama winced. I got my wings back and flew over to Kageyama and landed quietly in front of him.

"Does hearing us talk normally hurt your ears?" I whispered.

"Yeah, it does," he whispered back.

Kageyama's POV 

I could notice every detail of Hinata as he stood in front of me. Gosh was he gorgeous. STUPID BRAIN STOP THINKING THAT SHIT! I looked at Hinata, who had the same expression on his face as when Noya got his power. 

"Kageyama, how well can you see and smell me?" He whsipered.

"What!" I said in my normal voice.

"Tell me," he whispered, more firmly though, if that makes any sense.

"You smell slightly of sweat, but mostly of strawberries," Kageyama whispered. "And I can see every detail of your face very clearly."

Hinata, jumping back using his wings, said "I know what your ability is. Your ability is enhanced senses, meaning that all your senses are much better than before. Sometimes this ability can also improve reflex and timing and stamina." 

I looked at him, surprised by how much he knew, and also by what my power was. He looked back at me and said, so low so that only I could hear him, "now we can be the best duo." I got flustered a bit then looked back at him and his beautiful eyes.

Hinata's POV 

Soon everyone got their abilities. Next was Tanaka, whose ability was to produce and control fire. Then was Suga, whose ability was mind control, telepathy, and brainwashing. Tsukki's ability was weather control, meaning he could produce lighting and change the weather.  Yamaguchi could control nature and earth, and also communicate with animals. Daichi's ability was restoration and healing. Ukai could control and produce ice and water. Lastly was Asahi, whose ability was super strength. After they all received their abilities, we practiced control. I had pretty much mastered mine while I was waiting for everyone else, even being able to transform by thought, so I just tested my limits. I could basically turn into whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, as long as I wanted, so no real limits. Takeda wasn't able to turn off his, so he just stayed smart. Noya could control his speed, and got better at breaking, though he still wasn't very good. Kageyama could control all his senses except sight, so we were able to talk normally. Tanaka could control fire, though things still burst into flames when he got angry. Luckily, Daichi and Suga pretty much mastered their abilities, so they were able to get control of Tanaka and fix the gym. Tsukki had a pretty good handle on his, though he had the same problem as Tanaka, except when he got angry, lightning came off his body (I do not mean to sound weird). Yamaguchi could control his ability easily, though he would get lost in a squirrel or bird's conversation outside the gym every once in a while. Ukai could control water and freeze ice, but his had a hard time generating it himself, though he got better at it, too. And Asahi had similar problems to Takeda and Noya. He could control how much strength he used, but had a hard time turning his ability off. After hours of practicing, it was time to go.

Third Person POV

The team, after practice, went out for meat buns. In the middle of their meal, Takeda received a phone call.

"Hello?" he answered. "Yes this is Ittetsu Takeda...Alright. We should be there...I will inform the team. Thank you." He gets off the phone and turns to the team. "There is a training camp that starts tomorrow. They asked if we wanted to go. I know it's last minute, so there are no premission slips. To go, just get a piece of paper and have your parents write that they will allow you to go, and their signature. It will start on Thursday, but they want us there a day early, so we'd leave tomorrow." Everyone stared out of pure shock. Hinata broke the silence.

"Cool! What schools are going?" he asked.

"Nekoma, Aoba Johsai, and Furokodani," Takeda replied.

"If we go, I can see Kenma again!" Hinata jumped for joy at he thought seeing Kenma and his other friends. While doing this, he didn't notice the sad look on his best friend's face. After they finished up, the team went their separate ways, back to their houses. Every one of them had a sheet of paper signed saying they could go, and in the morning, each and every one of them arrived early to get on that bus and go to camp.

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