Chapter 6

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Kenma's POV

Since Karasuno got in late last night due to certain reasons (probably a fight) the coaches let us have a free day. Kuroo decided that we should all play a game together, and managed to get every team into the Nekoma common room, along with the coaches. We all sat around in a circle and played truth or dare with a Kuroo twist, which was that if you refuse to do the dare or answer the question you are given or take too long to answer, you have kiss your crush on the lips. This went for every single, as in doesn't have a bf, gf, or spouse, person except the coaches. Takeda and Ukai decide they would play, since they were both single. The goal of this game was to find out what was going on with Karasuno. Everyone gathered around and waited for the game to begin.

Third Person POV

Kuroo, since he dragged everyone into this, started. "Okay, Yaku. Truth or dare?" "Truth," said Yaku. "Who do you talk to when you get lonely?" "My mom." "Well that's boring," a disappointed Kuroo said. "Alright. Suga. Truth or dare," said Yaku. "Truth." "Do you have a crush on anyone that is on your team? If you do, then who is it?" Suga hesitated and didn't answer quick enough. "Time's up," said Kuroo. "Kiss your crush time!" Suga happily and reluctantly leaned over to Daichi and kissed him on the lips. "Tanaka, you owe me 1000 yen!" shouted Noya, causing he whole room to erupt into laughter. Then a "Dang it!" from Tanaka, made them laugh even harder. Nobody except Karasuno and Kenma noticed it got significantly warmer in the room whe Tanaka got angry. After playing for a while, they were all called away for lunch, ending their little game. By the end of the game, Daichi and Suga had had 3 make out sessions, Yaku and Lev were blushing messes, Iwaizumi and Oikawa were holding hands while staring at anything but each other, Takeda and Ukai were secretly making out in the bathroom after they left the game, and Asahi was passed out next to Noya, who was cussing and blushing like never before. The real reason they played the game was never found out, though they all had a lot of fun. After lunch, they all went to their separate common rooms, except for the little team of spies.

Kenma's POV

We met up after lunch in our normal spot. "Well that didn't work," I said, eyeing Kuroo. "Yeah I know, but it was fun," he said. Bokuto nodded in agreement. "Since we are all going back to our common rooms, we can individually watch the video feed from the Karasuno room there. If we find anything, we can just text about it. We need to know what is going on," said Oikawa, surprising everyone that he could be sensible...sometimes. "Yeah. We should head back soon. They might get suspicious, and that is the last thing we need," Iwaizumi stated. Everyone nodded, and we split. We each headed back to our common rooms and watched the video feed. After a while we saw something impossible and incredible. Akashi was the first one on the chat, saying 'What the hell?'

Hinata's POV

We walked back to our common room after lunch. Tanaka was still grumbling about owing Noya money, and Tsukki was still making fun of him for not realizing that they were crushing one each other with Yamaguchi in tow. Kageyama and I were walking behind them. We arrived to see, Noya, Asahi, Daichi, Suga, Takeda, Kiyoko, and Ukai waiting for us. Daichi closes and locks the door behind us. "Kageyama, can you keep and ear out for anyone walking down the hall?" "Sure," he responds. Then we talk about how we are going to practice our abilities with everyone else around, for our safety and the safety of everyone else here, since Tanaka almost burnt down the Nekoma team room when he lost his bet with Noya. We decided to practice our powers. We split into teams of 2. The teams were Kageyama and I, Noya and Asahi, Tanaka and Ukai, Yamaguchi and Tsukki, Kiyoko and Takeda, and Daichi and Suga. I stated that those who make the most damage should go first. Daichi and Suga agreed, only because Tanaka had already set something on fire in anticipation of his turn. Tanaka and Ukai stretched and went first. Tanaka summoned his fire, shouting, "Oh yeah! Bring it on!" Ukai generated a small piece of ice and then expanded and separated it into many ice shards. He sent them flying at Tanaka, who melted them, sending water towards the floor. Ukai manipulated the water, creating a ball over Tanaka that splashed onto his head, leaving him soaking and unable to make fire and continue. The heat radiating off his body dried him off pretty fast, though. Next was Tsukki and Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi produced vines from his arm and wrapped them around Tsukki, who electrocuted them. The vines turned to dust and fell to the floor. Then he electrocuted Yamaguchi just enough to make his hair stand up, rendering him unable to continue. 3rd was Noya and Asahi. Noya just ran around the room for 1 minute and tried stopping. He managed to stop in time, narrowly missing the wall. Asahi picked up a bunch of heavy stuff around the common room, like the couch, which he lifted with ease. 4th was Takeda and Kiyoko. Since Kiyoko didn't have a power, she just held up flash cards for Takeda and timed how long it took him to answer all of them. He answered each question lightning fast and it was kind of scary, even for Tsukki. 5th was Daichi and Suga. Daichi repaired all damage done by those who had gone before him, and Suga who read Daichi's mind so he could levitate stuff for him. Lastly was me and Kageyama. Kageyama was in the middle of the room and he had to guess where I was at without his sense of sight. "Ready?" he asked. "Almost. I wish I had the power of teleportation," I said. I was testing if I could use my power to give me other powers without changing my appearance. I thought about teleporting to the other side of the room, which worked. I teleported back to where I was before. "Ready Kageyama." "And start," Daichi said. I teleported to the corner and Kageyama found me almost immediately. We continued like this, him switching which sense he used to find me each time. When we finished, I got rid of the teleportation and checked the time. It was almost time for dinner with the other teams. We put the room back to the way it was before, and by we I mean Asahi, Suga, Daichi, Kageyama, and I because Tanaka, Noya, Tsukki, and Yamaguchi refused help us, and Kiyoko, Takeda, and Ukai had to talk with the other coaches. We finished just in time for dinner and set out for the dining hall.

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