Chapter 5

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Yaku's POV

We walk away from our little meeting, which I have no idea why they need me, and head to dinner. Kuroo heads over to Tsukishima, Kenma, Bokuto, and Akashi go over to Hinata, Kageyama and Tanaka. Iwaizumi and Oikawa head over to Asahi and Nishinoya. I realize they need me because none of them know the captains well enough. I decide to follow along, wanting to know why Suga went into mom mode. I grab Lev and we head over to Daichi and Suga.

"Hey Suga! Mind if we sit?" I say. "Hey Yaku! No not at all," he responds. We sit and start talking about different things we were excited about and things that happened. I listened intently, wondering if he would say anything that would hint to what is going on. I got nothing. Then my phone dings. I look at it to see a link to the video feed from the Karasuno team room, and a message that says, "Here is the video feed. Be careful and don't get caught watching it." I answer the text and turn my attention back to Suga and Daichi. I notice Lev watching me, probably wondering what I'm doing. I'll tell him later.

Kenma's POV

I sit next Hinata, who is next to Bokuto. Across from me is Akashi, who is next to Kageyama on one side. Next to Kageyama is Tanaka then Yamaguchi  then Tsukishima. Across from Tsukishima is Kuroo. We chat for a bit and nobody says anything that could tell us what is wrong. I decide that I would take the chance to hack into the security systems, since everyone was distracted by food and conversations, even Kuroo didn't notice I took out my phone. I finish hacking and wait for the download to go through when Kuroo notices I'm on the phone. "Come on, Kenma! You can play later!" Kuroo tries to pull the phone away. "One more minute. I'm doing important stuff," I say, then give him one of my signature glares. He complies, saying, "Fine, but I'm timing you." The download finishes, and to prove my innocence, I show him the video feed and send it to a new group chat I made for this purpose. I get responses from everyone, except Kuroo, Bokuto, and Akashi, since they are all sitting here with me. We talk and eat until they send us to bathe and go to bed. Before lights out, we meet again to see if anyone got any information. 

"No of them said anything that could even hint at what's wrong," said Bokuto, pouting. Akashi patted him on the head and stated, "They didn't SAY anything." "I noticed that Nishinoya was constantly moving about, and Asahi was being more cautious than normal," said Iwaizumi. "Suga and Daichi acted completely normal, unfortunately for us. Also I told Lev. He spied at my phone after I got the message, so I scolded him for not respecting my privacy, then explained the situation. He agreed, but was too tired to come after I yelled at him," said Yaku. Kuroo started maniacally laughing while everyone else looked scared. "Anyway, Tsukishima was as salty as ever, but every time I got near him, my hair looked like I stuck my hand in an outlet, and Yamaguchi was his normal self," said Kuroo, still snickering from before. "Kageyama seemed to wince anytime Bokuto got a little loud. It wasn't loud enough though to hurt someone's ears, though," Akashi pointed out. "Tanaka looked like he had smoke coming off him anytime he got angry or frustrated," I said. We discussed what these things could mean and watched the video feed, both being dead ends. Lights out soon arrived and we departed. As Kuroo, Yaku, and I walk back to the Nekoma team room I wonder, 'What is going on with Karasuno?'

Hinata's POV           Time Skip brought to you by no action except Daichi and Suga sharing a futon

It's the second day of training camp. We've already eaten breakfast, and had a practice match with Aoba Johsai, which we won 2:0. We are just breaking when Kenma, Bokuto, Kuroo, Yaku, Lev, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Akashi come over to me. "Hey hey hey Hinata! We were wondering if some of you guys wanted to have a practice match with us?" exclaimed Bokuto. "Sure! Let me ask some of the others," I reply. I go and ask the team if they wanted to play. Kageyama, Noya, and Tanaka all say yes. he rest of the team, Takeda, and Ukai all come along though, just in case Tanaka does something stupid. The teams are Kenma, Bokuto, Akashi, Kageyama, Tanaka, and I, and the other team is Kuroo, Yaku, Lev, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Noya. The game starts, and the other team starts pulling ahead. Then the ball comes over our side. Akashi recieves the ball ad sends it to Kageyama, who sets the ball faster than the last time everyone saw us play. Then I jump higher and faster and slam the ball down before the blockers even reach their peak. I land and Kageyama and I high five. Everyone except Karasuno stares in amazement. 

"How did you do that so fast?" exclaimed Bokuto. "It was like 'woosh' and then 'bam' on the floor!" Though no one knew exactly what he was saying, they nodded in agreement. "We've been practicing a lot! I even practiced on the weekends when there was no practice with Kageyama and Noya at the park!" I say. Kageyama and Noya nod in agreement, trying to help the lie along. Everyone seems to believe it. we continue playing until Ukai shouts to us, "Break is over, time for more practice games!" We all return to the gyms and continue with practice matches. We  won every match, which was really exciting, since Suga promised that he would take us out for desert if we won every match. We shower and change, then go eat with the other teams. I accidently let it slip the team was going out for desert, so all the teams wanted to come with. Fortunately, Daichi and Suga were able to come to an agreement with the other teams that they would all go out on the last day, and they agreed. After dinner, we headed out. Everyone was excited, but nothing compared to Tanaka's when Kiyoko said she was coming. We arrived at a café and picked out the largest booth so we could all sit together. From left to right, the order was Kiyoko, Takeda, Ukai, Tsukki, Yamaguchi, Noya, Asahi, Me, Kageyama, Daichi, Suga, and Tanaka. After we all ordered, it was really loud. Noya and Tanaka started fighting, with me and Kageyama in the middle. The result was a passed out Tanaka and Noya, a pissed off Suga, a bruised Kageyama and I, a worn out Asahi who was carrying the 2 unconscious guys, and a concerned Daichi. Everyone else was fine, though. Daichi healed Kageyama and I on the way back, once we got out of the town. When we arrived, It was already lights out, so we snuck into bed and all slept well.

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