Chapter 4

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What's up, guys. Thanks for getting this far. What was first day of high school like for you?


Don't be a softie.

Don't be inviting.

Don't be nice.

And for the love of God, do not smile at them, they will get attached.

I kept reciting the mantra I came up with just that morning as I sat in the car next to my mom on my way to the death trap called school. I was infuriated when my alarm clock pealed at 6:30am cause I was so used to sleeping in. I had a really cold bath, grabbed a black pair of converse and slipped on the first set of matching clothes I saw in my wardrobe. The whole idea of a first day in a new school didn't even make me nervous or excited, I was nonchalant about it but deep down, I knew it was all a front. My insides were in a total frenzy.

The early morning sun was shining bright in the sky when my mom pulled up in front of a large group of brown buildings. She stepped out of the car and I followed suit, slipping my backpack over my shoulders.

The whole place was lousy with students doing all sort of things and more students were streaming in. I felt air get knocked out of my lungs as memories of my former school resurfaced and soon my whole calm facade faded into trepidation.

I shook my head frantically.

I knew this was a bad idea, so long school, nice not knowing you

My mum had walked a little further before she looked back and seeing that I was about to pull the car door open and get in, she came back and pulled me along despite my objections. We moved with a bunch of students into the lobby and my mum asked one of them for directions to the administrative offices.

After properly introducing ourselves to the school secretary, we were shown to an office.

On entering, a tall dark middle-aged man sitting behind a desk looked up at us, my mom smiled.

"Hello, Frank". My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets in surprise as he returned the smile.

"Wow, if it isn't the highly sophisticated Celyne George"

"Oh please, stop your flattering".

He walked over to give her a brief hug and I stood there awkwardly, unable to believe my eyes. He turned to me, still smiling and I responded with a blank face.

"Hello there, I'm Robertson, I run the school".

Great! The principal knows my mum. How convenient!

I surreptitiously rolled my eyes.

"And you must be the Roxanne I have heard so much about". I raised a brow, side glancing at my mum.

"Yeah. What have you heard about me?"

He chuckled.

"Nothing for you to worry yourself over but I did hear that you were reluctant to school here and I can assure you that there's absolutely no need to be reluctant, you are going to enjoy this school".

"Thanks. So nerve easing", I replied sarcastically.

The bell rang, like a reminder of where I was and the panic inside me started again.

"I'm sorry Frank, I can't stay longer. That's my cue to leave, we will talk on phone later". She started for the door and I did the same.

"Alright. Roxanne, may I have a word?". I looked at him, then looked back to my mum, she nodded at me and walked out. I swallowed and turned to him whose face had a slight frown.

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