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When the lunch time rolled around Jackson wandered around the campus as he can't eat anything until his step father say so. He saw some of the students went to a place more like a platform slightly higher, with much excited hushes. Jackson followed them to see what is going there, he was shocked to see Felix there standing as one of the bully from earlier punching him and other two holding him. Jackson can't see anything as he went straight to the scene.

Felix never been there, on the platform. Got6 are not the people that go around bully everyone. They sometimes do some things but not to the extreme until you fell on to their path. He knew they were angry as their brother got hurt.

"Stop it." Jackson yelled as soon as he got there.

Felix in his hazed state looked up to see who it was, he was more like scared as it is Jackson. It is not going to end well, he was ready to accept all this so that they will leave Jackson out of this but Jackson have to come and mess everything up.

"Jack, just go." Felix said looking at Jackson who now walking towards him. His bullies let go of him when Jackson got near, which resulted in Felix fell down on his knees. Jackson was on his side immediately.

"Hyung, he is the one that I told you about." Hyunjin whined as he went to his brother, his step brother like Jackson and him. Jinyoung got up from where he was sitting.

"I really didn't imagined him to be like this when you said he hit all of you." Jinyoung said as came near them.

"Sorry Hyung, he is new and he doesn't know about your rules and he is your brother." Felix said more like begged.

"Well, then it is our duty to teach him our rules, right?" He asked as he looked at his friends.

"Well, we can just tie him up in here and he can't go until we let him." Bambam said.

"Yeah, we can't do much as it his first day, right?" Yugyeom asked.

"Then that's it. Come here." Jb said as he pulled him by using his grip on his hand. Jackson knew it will surely leave marks with how strong he is holding his hand.

He just tied him up in a kneeling position. Felix begged them more to let them leave him but they said it is already a very little punishment considering what he done. Even Felix knew it is the first time they gave this much small punishment for who hit their brother.

When the evening rolled around Felix rushed to the place and he untied Jackson and hugged him. "You alright, right? Here drink this." He said as he pushed the water bottle to him.

Jackson winced as he stood up front his kneeling position, he didn't react when Felix pressed the bruises he had from last night beating, at that time he needed that hug more than anything. After a alone afternoon under the direct sunlight. He needed that more than anything.

"Just a piece of your mind to him, maybe that will keep him alive." Mark yelled.

"Okay hyung, thank you." Felix mumbled out as he pulled Jackson up with him and made his way to their house.

"What took you guys this long?" Lee asked not even noticing the state Jackson is in.

"Nothing dad." Felix shurgged. On their way back they decided not to tell Lee as it will only create more problems. Jackson knew he don't do anything, as if he care.

"Okay, go get changed and eat something, don't call me for dinner, I already ate." Lee said looking at Felix. Finally nodding to Jackson to prompt him to say something.

Jackson caught up on soon, "me too, I am already really tired." Jackson said already looking miserable.

"But Jack, you didn't eat anything for almost a week now." Felix said looking upset.

"Not today, please..." Jackson dragged out. He agreed eventually.

As soon as Jackson reached his room, he locked the door, sitting on the floor with his back to the door. The door which Lee used for come into his room didn't have any lock what so ever from Jackson's room.

So he have no way defending himself, even if he did it will only bring Felix to the danger. The door opened, "inside now." Lee said.

Jackson scrabbled up to go into the room, where hell is. He was already on his knees as soon as he came into he room.
Lee locked the door, now Jackson knew why Felix can't hear anything, as this room was fucking sound proofed.

"Did you had so much fun in the school?" Lee asked as if he is a normal parent not some phycho bitch.

Jackson stated silent, "I asked you a question, bitch..." Lee yelled as he pulled Jackson's hair.

"Yes." Jackson hissed out.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes master."

"Such a slow little shit you are. Now remove your shirt and pants." He ordered.

Jackson didn't even dared to look up as he moved to remove his shirt and pants. He left with only his boxers.

Lee pulled his hand to chain him up like yesterday but abruptly stopped. "What did you do, you slut?" He yelled as he saw the mark left when Jb grabbed him with so much force, Jackson whimpered.

"N-no one master." Jackson choked out.

"You tell me to belive you? There is a mark and why you almost limped when you came into the house?" Lee yelled again to which Jackson gave no response to.

"I will leave marks for your little lover to see." Lee said as he pushed Jackson to the near by wall.

"I-it is not what-" Jackson tried to explain but cut short by Lee biting on his neck. He screamed out in pain. That day he got extra beating for being slutty as he state it. Then he left him just like yesterday.


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