Double Trouble

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"On your knees, now bitch" he yelled.

Jackson came to his kneeling position. He looked down shivering slightly as he only wearing his tank top and shorts.

"Hmm, you're quite a built man don't you?" He said as he got near Jackson still scanning him. "I don't like boys like this." He's said as he slapped him. "You're not eating anything until I say so. Not here not in the school. Do you hear me?" He asked as he pulled Jackson to look up at him.

Jackson nodded fastly as he really didn't want any more trouble. But got a kick again on the stomach. He curled because of the pain. "Words." Mr. Lee said.

"Yes master." He groaned out.

"What can I give to you today?" Mr. Lee thought as he looked around the room. There was a cupboard and inside that were everything you need to took a good quality psycho killer movie. Jackson was scared for real. He now only realise the problem he was in.

He took out a whip. He started to whip him, Jackson's scream filled the silent room when the first whip came down. "Did it hurt?" Lee asked with a strangely joyful tone. Jackson really can't understand how Felix didn't come or even called his father when he heard this much scream. But his thoughts got interrupted when another whip came to him. Jackson screamed again.

"You can scream all you want. This is what I want to hear." Lee said as he started to hit him with much force. Jackson really had no idea when everything finished. It hurts everywhere, he couldn't even move. He didn't even have the strength to cry or scream anymore. It was all dark when he woke up. He didn't made a move to getup or anything. Scared maybe that might get him into trouble. He sat in there in silence.

Jackson never be the one to like dark but now the darkness felt soothing. He really felt safe in that darkness.

When the door opened again he tensed. "I see you already woke up, huh? You remember everything I told you yesterday, right?" Lee asked.

"Yes master." Jackson said voice rough from all the screaming yesterday.

"Another thing is if you thought about escaping from here, just know that Felix would be here like you were, okay?" He asked in a stern tone, which made Jackson shiver all over again.

"Yes master." He croaked out.

Lee moved to release the shackle, "now go it is already late for your school and Felix is waiting for you." He said as he let Jackson go.

Jackson really didn't think he have the power to stood up but when he got released he rushed out of the room. Just to feel the freedom for sometime.

He looked at himself in the mirror, he looked awful. But he can't do anything for that, Jackson is a nerd so he is sure none will be paying attention to him. He pulled out his one of many grey hoodie and a black jeans. It almost covered everything. Just the hand marks on the cheeks, he applied some makeup to hide that. He put on his glass and he is ready.

He heard Felix calling for him when he came down the steps. He was holding something like sandwich in his hands for Jackson. "Here, you didn't eat yesterday night too. Have it please." He said looking at Jackson affectionately. Jackson looked at Lee who sat there like he didn't even care what is Jackson's option is. A evil grin playing on his lips like daring Jackson to take a bite.

Jackson shook his head. "I really don't feel like eating anything." He said looking apologetically. His brother really loves him he may take more if it was for saving him. Felix pouted but didn't force him. Felix knew how Jackson felt, he didn't eat for almost a week when his mother died. He turned to wave his father a good bye as they made their way to the school.

It was middle of the year and Jackson is new in town. Jackson already knew it is not going to go well, considering his nerdy personality it would be downright painful for Jackson. 'stay low' he repeated it in his mind over and over again.

Felix said he will accompany Jackson to the office after he took his books from the locker for his first period. Jackson went with him to his locker. Jackson stood there looking around the students walking past. He was surprised more like shocked when Felix got pushed and got pinned to the locker. A boy with the red hair held him in place as he leaned into him. "See, you finally decided to come to school after a long break. We missed you, you know?" He said smirking as he punched him on the stomach. Felix doubled down as he couldn't handle the pain. Felix also the nerd looking boy, it is common for them to be the victim of the bullying.

But Jackson as his brother can't see that happening to him. He pushed the boy aside, ready to protect his brother.

"Oh, you now have you own body guard,huh?" The boy asked as his friends also formed a circle around them.

"Just leave him alone." Jackson said as he now stood infront of Felix fully shielding him from all his bullies. There is exactly seven of them.

"You really think you could stop us, huh?" One of them said as he came to punch him but Jackson punched him back. Then the fight got escalated he didn't even know how much he punched and and how much punch he received. At the end the bullies went away.

"Jack? You alright? You shouldn't have done that?" Felix said as looked at Jackson. Jackson received some punches but not more as he surely know how to dodge them.

"I can't just stand and watch them bully you, can I?" He asked as he looked at Felix. Felix just smiled at him.

"I know but their brother is in group, I really don't want you to get into their radar. Even the principal can't stop them. They all are sickly rich kids who don't know anything about struggle and us are their entertainment." Felix said.

"Don't worry, I can endure anything as long as it is for you." He said ruffling Felix hair. Even though they were same age he got some feeling like he have to protect Felix from anything dangerous.

"But just be safe." Felix said in much worried tone as he knew about the got6 and what they can do.

They even had a seperate area to punish as they state it, whoever broke their rules. The one of the main rules are don't ever lay a hand on their brother. The one of the bully of Felix is apparently brother of one of the got6 member.

He can feel it will be more messed up as now Jackson hit them.


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