I Want To See You Smile

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Chan’s Pov,

We all ran like our life depend on that, partially it is but we know he is now alright but our hearts doesn’t seem to calm down with that information. We bursted through the door not even thinking about knocking which startled the blonde boy lied on top of the bed. He looked so small and fragile like this.

‘Why did he thought it will be good idea to end his life?’ I sighed as we all tried to look apologetic for entering like this.

“Guys… what are you doing here at the school time?” he asked as looked surprised to see us.

“We can also ask you the same question mister.” I said to him as I looked at him daring to speak.

“Is everything Jackson said was true?” Changbin asked as he now neared him and held his hand in his palms.

“Wh-what did he say?” he asked, thinking about how much Jackson had told us. I know for a fact, he didn’t tell the full story. But atleast he let us in some of the things.

“Why in the hell you thought it is a good idea to end your life?” Minho yelled surprising all of us. Soon another two women entered the room with frightened look on their face. I remember seeing them at the coffee shop near our school.

“What is happening Lix? Is everything alright?” one with the short hair asked in english as they both stood between us and Felix.

“Nothing Amber. They are my boyfriends, seems like jack told them everything…” he replied to her and with some more reassurance from him they both left us to talk with each other.

“Can you just tell us why you even thought about ending your life in the first place?” now it was Hyunjin who yelled. I know the boys were all angry even me myself was angry at him for acting like this. but I wanted to know the full truth and yelling at him didn’t get us anywhere.

“Felix… can you tell us the full truth? We wanted to be part of your life even though how you hate that part of yourself. Please…” I said as I looked at him in the eyes. He smiled sadly at me, then agreed to tell us everything after he out of hospital as now it is not healthy for him to get emotional more than necessary.

Felix’s Pov,

“Did they really?” I asked as hugged I Jackson as much as I could with my current situation. Today finally I got discharged from the hospital. we are now packing our things to go to the place we hate the most, I have no idea how Jackson managed it so far being alone. Now his eyes are shinning as he told me about how his so called now questionably friends to boyfriends asked him to prom. Jackson didn’t visit as often as I thought, I know my father had more share on that. But on contray my boyfriends never left my side as one of them always stayed with me.

“I am really happy for you Jack.” I said as I looked at him. I really is, now only I saw him smiling like this not for the sake of me or anyone but for himself. I wanted to see him like this more. I wanted him live like this.

After we packed, my lovers soon flooded the hospital as they insisted on dropping us off in our house. I really love them for things like this. I saw Han and Chan talking to Jackson outside of my room while others pulled me and my bags to take them out.

“Shall we go?” Chan asked as he came in from their conversation. I nodded, finally being able to get out of the hospital and I am happier to be there with Jackson when he needs me. He didn’t have to face anything alone after this.  we all piled into a van that Chan brought to fit all of us. I turned around to see Jackson didn’t got in.

“Jack… You’re not coming with us?” I asked as he stood at the entrance of the hospital.

“No… I have somethings to talk to Lay.” He said and with that the van started and I left with my boyfriends.

“I missed you so much…” Binnie whined as he pulled me to sat on his lap as he hugged me again. I didn’t complain as I also missed them. We sat there in silence for a few minutes, that’s when I noticed that the van was crossed the street where we are supposed to turn to get to my house. I looked at Chan confused as he kept on driving. “Channie… We are supposed to take that cut” I said slowly not wanting to go there, but having no choice.

“No darling, we are going to our house. The place you belong.” He said as he smiled at me. I was relieved for a second then Jackson’s face came to my mind.

“No… Jack…” I started but got cut off by Han.

“He is the one requested to take you with us. As you know me and Chan lives alone as both of our families are abroad. We also offered him a place but he refused. He didn’t tell us the whole reason of why it is not good for you to be there, but if that is the reason you are in the hospital then we can’t let you near that place, ever.” He said as he turned to caress my head from the front seat.

‘What the heck are you trying to do Jack?’ I yelled in my mind. I need to tell everything to others, there is no way Jackson can be there alone with that monster.

We reached the place where Chan and Han was living, now it is going to my home for good. It is a big place where eight of us can stat without any problem. I moved alone to call Jackson, I seriously want to know what he is thinking now.

After a few rings the call got connected, “Hey Lix…” Jackson said with a hushed tone which sounded like he is in pain.

“Jack… Jack… are you okay?” I asked as soon as I heard him. I heard some noises on the background and Jackson’s pleas of no’s then it is my father who talked into the phone.

“Good to know that you healed enough to call him, bitch.” He yelled at me, “HE IS NOT THAT…” I heard Jackson yell in the background, then only a loud crash of glass could be heard, then there is silence. “You bitches all are same.” I heard my father yell.

“WHAT YOU DID TO HIM?!” I yelled as I can’t hear Jackson on the background anymore. My boyfriends all are now behind me, ready to help if I need anything.

“Enjoy you healing time, bitch. Cause when you come back to me, it won’t be pretty.” He said with that the line got disconnected.

“No… No… don’t do anything…” I yelled as I rushed to go out but soon caught by Chan and Changbin who now held me tightly as Han and Minho trying to calm me down.


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