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Jackson woke up by a nudging on his side, he looked up to see Mr. Lee stood on top off him with something in his hand, which got revealed as ice cold water as he poured it on him.

"Get ready for school, you slut." He yelled as he opened his side door to get to his office. Jackson scrambled up to stood up, every part of his body aching from the earlier beating. As soon as he got out of the room, Mr. Lee locked the other side of the door, making it look like a regular wall.

His senses took time to came back to him, as he looked around his room, nothing changed. He still didn't unpack fully and there is a banging on the door of his room, his slow working brain registered slowly. Then came Felix's voice from the other side of the door.

He looked down at himself, there is no way he is going to open that door in this state. "I'll be downstairs." He said voice trying to be steady. His voice was raspy more than he could remember but it can pass as crying all night voice, which he did literally. Then he started to get to his routine, he showered in ice cold water he already drenched by Mr. Lee. He slipped on his hoodie which covered him fully, he looked at his reflection and tried to cover his black circles and visible bruises, when he deemed he looks okay, as his thick framed glasses can take care of hiding part of his face, he made his way to downstairs.

Felix was already on the dining table waiting for him, with his breakfast. Mr. Lee sitting  sipping his coffee and reading the news paper, same like yesterday like he has nothing to do with Jackson rejecting his breakfast even when his stomach cried for him to eat something. When he is going to open his mouth to reject again, Felix perked up, "I know you're not going to eat it. But, please just have this, he said as he pushed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to him.

Jackson looked towards Me. Lee to gauge his expression, "you look awful Jackson, look even though your mom is not here, we are here for you, aren't we? Just accept it." He said making the most innocent face that Jackson never saw him wore.

He hesitantly took it from Felix's hand, what he missed to see was the anger emitted on Mr. Lee's face when he saw that.

When they reached the school, his day started to get worse to worst. As now he is the one that the whole started to pick on. He got tripped in hallway more than he could count and shoved out of the way forcefully. It is like that the whole world now knows that he has no one to stood up for him. As the last person who cared for him left the world when his mom left him all alone. But, when he looked to his side, he saw Felix trying to help him up. Now the only reason why he can't just leave everything.

As he stood up again from another tripping session, with Felix helping him up. Someone shoved Felix out of the way, away from him and shoved him into the locker that is behind him. He winced in pain even though they didn't push him with that much force, but he pressed on his one of the big bruise.

"Look, who we have here?" The person who pushed him spoke. He looked up to see Yugyom, one of the member of got6 stood before him and others surrounding him. He looked around as now the students in the hallway formed a circle around us. Felix was held back by his own group of bullies as they punched him and shoved him on to the wall over and over again.

"Isn't he the one that punched my brother?" Jinyoung said leaning down, to Jackson's height.

"Now, we will see how you react when it is your brother on the end of the swing." Now it is Bambam said as he moved the other boys and punched Felix square on his face.

"Stop it." Jackson yelled as he moved towards Felix to save him.

"Not so fast kitten." Jb said as he pulled Jackson behind by his hold on back of his hoodie.

Jb's Pov,

As I pulled him back by his hood, I saw a huge bite mark on his neck. My blood begin to boil as anger started to flood through me. 'who give him that?' 'is he has a boyfriend or something?' my head run with wild thoughts.

"Oh, we got a slut here." I announced and he threw him on to the wall, now fully intending on hurt him. He winced as be his body made a contact with the metal locker making a small dent on it.

Okay, if you don't know, we didn't thought of hurting him today or ever again for that matter. We just wanted to see his beautiful eyes, face and the mop of hair that fell on his forehead covering it like a curtain, a beautiful one at that.

We just came to give some to that Felix boy for making us punish him yesterday. But, as I saw that he is with someone more closer that isn't me or any of the boys make me burn with anger, even though we didn't own him or anything.

Just as we were thinking about starting something new, everything went to drain. I punched him again making him scream in pain. I can't, I can't hurt him. I shook my head as I started to move away from him.

Now I am coming to my sense, there another totally different scenario going on behind me, that never even dream about.

Hyunjin pushing Bambam and then Jinyoung away from the boy, I think Felix. 

Jinyoung's pov,

I know why Jb was angry, I am no better, but I know better that take that on Jackson. I know I can't hurt him. So, I turned to the only option left, Alex or is it Felix, him. Bambam already gave him a couple of punches. When I turned to give my own, Hyunjin come inbetween us and pushed Bambam and me away.

"What the hell?" I yelled my anger only worsening.

Made this update as quick as possible, hope you enjoy it. bauncybunny.

Hope you guys read my another story like an animal, if not give that a shot too.


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